31. NLP Annotation Tools for Manual Markup of Content in Short Summaries and Essays Open Access Author: Driban, Alexander Title: NLP Annotation Tools for Manual Markup of Content in Short Summaries and Essays Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Natural Language ProcessingApplication DevelopmentArgumentation MiningSummarizationAnnotationEducation File: Download Driban_Alex_NLPAnnotationTools.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rebecca Jane Passonneau, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
32. Prioritizing Relevancy in the Secondary Choral Classroom Open Access Author: Works, Marissa Anne Title: Prioritizing Relevancy in the Secondary Choral Classroom Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Advertising/Public Relations and Music Education Keywords: Music EducationRelevancyPublic RelationsEducationMusicChoirChoral ClassroomNews Values File: Download MarissaWorks_Fall2019Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorAnn Marie Major, Thesis Honors AdvisorBryan Nichols, Faculty ReaderDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors Advisor
33. Incorporating Writer's Notebooks into Secondary English Classrooms Open Access Author: Petri, Sarah Title: Incorporating Writer's Notebooks into Secondary English Classrooms Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: EducationEnglish EducationWriter's NotebooksCurriculum File: Download THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anne Whitney, Thesis SupervisorAnne Whitney, Thesis Honors AdvisorJason Whitney, Faculty Reader
34. Awakening Dormant Readers Open Access Author: Weaver, Kelly Title: Awakening Dormant Readers Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: EducationReadingSecondary EducationEnglish File: Download FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anne Whitney, Thesis SupervisorAnne Whitney, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichelle Renee Knotts, Faculty Reader
35. Education for Tod@s? Open Access Author: Mohler, Monica Title: Education for Tod@s? Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: Educationcase analysisdictatorshipequalitydemocracycommand economycapitalismChileCubaneoliberaleducation policy File: Download monicamohler_thesis__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rebecca Tarlau, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
36. The Trajectory of Psychological Safety in Engineering Teams: A Longitudinal Exploration in Engineering Design Education Open Access Author: Gong, Zibing Title: The Trajectory of Psychological Safety in Engineering Teams: A Longitudinal Exploration in Engineering Design Education Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: EngineeringEducationEngineering DesignPsychological SafetyTrajactoryReliability File: Download ZibingGong_Thesis_May4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis SupervisorCatherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
37. Design Mastery: Understanding High Achieving Engineering Students’ Design Processes Through Eye Tracking Open Access Author: Miller, Colin Title: Design Mastery: Understanding High Achieving Engineering Students’ Design Processes Through Eye Tracking Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: EngineeringEducationDesign File: Download Miller_Colin_Spring_2020_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Catherine G P Berdanier, Thesis SupervisorJacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor
38. Lesson Planning and Teaching with Asset-Based Pedagogies in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom Open Access Author: Siegle, Carly Title: Lesson Planning and Teaching with Asset-Based Pedagogies in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: Secondary EducationEducationMathematics EducationAsset-Based PedagogyPedagogy File: Download Siegle_Carly_Final_Lesson_Planning_and_Teaching_with_Asset_Based_Pedagogy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rose Mary Zbiek, Thesis SupervisorRose Mary Zbiek, Thesis Honors AdvisorAshley Patterson, Faculty Reader
39. The Current State of Kanji Learning in the Japanese Foreign Language Classroom Open Access Author: Elkins, Alexandra Title: The Current State of Kanji Learning in the Japanese Foreign Language Classroom Area of Honors: Japanese Keywords: JapaneseForeign Language AcquisitionKanjiJapanese Foreign Language ClassroomAsian StudiesEducation File: Download Kanji_in_the_JFL_Classroom_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan G Strauss, Thesis SupervisorJonathan Eran Abel, Thesis Honors Advisor
40. Education of Girls in Pakistan: What can Pakistan Learn from Previously Successful Programs about how Best to Educate Girls? Open Access Author: Kuo, Evan Title: Education of Girls in Pakistan: What can Pakistan Learn from Previously Successful Programs about how Best to Educate Girls? Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: EducationPakistanEconomicsDevelopmental EconomicsGirls' Education File: Download Evan_Kuo_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bee Yan Roberts, Thesis SupervisorRussell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor