41. Water Means Life: The Effect of Access to Clean Water on Education and Literacy Rates in Developing Countries Open Access Author: Weiss, David Title: Water Means Life: The Effect of Access to Clean Water on Education and Literacy Rates in Developing Countries Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: PovertyWater AccessEducationDevelopment EconomicsPropensity Score Matching File: Download Weiss_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jadrian Wooten, Thesis SupervisorJames R. Tybout, Thesis Honors Advisor
42. Analyzing Social Justice Teaching in Elementary Curriculum and Teacher Implementation in a White, Rural, Working Class School District Open Access Author: Jensen, Emily Title: Analyzing Social Justice Teaching in Elementary Curriculum and Teacher Implementation in a White, Rural, Working Class School District Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: EducationSocial JusticeAnti-racist File: Download Jensen_Emily_AnalyzingSocialJusticeTeachinginElementaryCurriculumandTeacherImplementationinaWhite_Rural_WorkingClassSchoolDistrict.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Allison Sterling Henward, Thesis SupervisorAmy C Crosson, Thesis Honors Advisor
43. Accounting Students' Perceptions of Online Learning Open Access Author: Kravitz, Aaron Title: Accounting Students' Perceptions of Online Learning Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: AccountingOnline LearningEducationZoomHybrid LearningFlipped Classroomstudent perceptions File: Download Kravitz_Aaron_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Collins, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
44. Student Invitations for Engagement in an Online Reading Camp: A Pre-Service Teacher’s Reflection Open Access Author: Gilley, Rhiannon Title: Student Invitations for Engagement in an Online Reading Camp: A Pre-Service Teacher’s Reflection Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: EducationElementaryReadingReading CampPhonicsPhonemic awarenessEngagementSummer Reading CampEngageAuthentic EngagementProject Based LearningElementary SchoolProblematizingAuthorityChoice and VoiceAccountabilityResourcesLearning Communities File: Download SHC_Thesis-_Student_Invitations_for_Engagement_in_an_Online_Reading_Camp-_A_Pre-Service_Teacher_s_Reflection.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karen Eppley, Thesis SupervisorAmy C Crosson, Thesis Honors Advisor
45. Pushing the Boundaries: The Impact of School Attendance Zone Boundaries on School Segregation in Montgomery County Public Schools Open Access Author: Bodenschatz, Hope Title: Pushing the Boundaries: The Impact of School Attendance Zone Boundaries on School Segregation in Montgomery County Public Schools Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: EducationSchool attendance zonesSchool segregationResidential segregation File: Download Bodenschatz_Hope_PushingTheBoundaries.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Stiles Fowler, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
46. Civic Empowerment Gap: A Levinsonian Analysis of Social Studies Mission Statements Open Access Author: Bard, Jessica Title: Civic Empowerment Gap: A Levinsonian Analysis of Social Studies Mission Statements Area of Honors: Education and Public Policy Keywords: Civic Empowerment GapCivic EducationCivicsEducationDemocratic Education File: Download JBard_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Gamson, Thesis SupervisorDana Mitra, Thesis Honors Advisor
47. Supporting Student’s Mental Health: The Teacher’s Role Open Access Author: Kimball, Sara Title: Supporting Student’s Mental Health: The Teacher’s Role Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: EducationMental Health File: Download Kimball_Thesis_Final_PDF.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fran Arbaugh, Thesis SupervisorFran Arbaugh, Thesis Honors AdvisorAndrea Vujan Mccloskey, Faculty Reader
48. Navigating the Odyssey of State Standards: Ancient History in Pennsylvania Education Open Access Author: Philips, Morgan Title: Navigating the Odyssey of State Standards: Ancient History in Pennsylvania Education Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: ClassicsEducationPedagogyState StandardsGreeceRomeEgypt File: Download Navigating_the_Odyssey_of_State_Standards-_Ancient_History_in_Pennsylvania_Education.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Metzger, Thesis SupervisorErin Mc Kenna Hanses, Thesis Honors Advisor
49. The Impact of Education on Economic Inequality in East Asia Open Access Author: Delargy, Ava Title: The Impact of Education on Economic Inequality in East Asia Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Economic InequalityAuthoritarianismEducationEast Asia File: Download Delargy_FinalThesisSubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bumba Mukherjee, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
50. COVID-19 Pandemic Learning: Attitudes and Impressions of Cheating Open Access Author: Murphy, Grace Title: COVID-19 Pandemic Learning: Attitudes and Impressions of Cheating Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: CheatingCOVID-19 LearningAcademic IntegrityOnline AssessmentEducationPandemic File: Download Murphy_Grace_COVID-19_Pandemic_Learning.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Keith Hills, Thesis SupervisorEdward J Glantz, Thesis Honors Advisor