1. MEAN-VARIANCE PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION: A GLOBAL EQUITY APPROACH FOR THE AMERICAN INVESTOR Open Access Author: Baccash, Nicholas G. Title: MEAN-VARIANCE PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION: A GLOBAL EQUITY APPROACH FOR THE AMERICAN INVESTOR Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: FinanceInvestingMarkowitzSharpe RatioInternational EquityEmerging Markets File: Download Nick_Baccash_Thesis_Final_Copy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy T Simin, Thesis SupervisorTimothy T Simin, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A Study Of African Stock Exchanges And Their Correlation Between Exchanges In The Developed World As It Relates To Portfolio Diversification And Investor’s Needs Open Access Author: Pica, Jenna Clare Title: A Study Of African Stock Exchanges And Their Correlation Between Exchanges In The Developed World As It Relates To Portfolio Diversification And Investor’s Needs Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: African Frontier MarketsEmerging MarketsBRICS CountriesDeveloped MarketsPortfolio DiversificationCorrelation File: Download 1-Pica_Jenna_A_Study_of_African_Stock_Exchanges_and_Their_Correlation_between_Exchanges_in_the_Developed_World_as_it_Related_to_Portfolio_Diversification_and_Investors_Needs.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader