1. The Cost of Weather Forecast Error in Electricity Prices in Southeastern Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Decuollo, Alecia Grace Title: The Cost of Weather Forecast Error in Electricity Prices in Southeastern Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Economics and Energy, Business and Finance Keywords: ElectricityForecast/Observation WeatherEnergy File: Download DeCuollo_Alecia_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: George Spencer Young, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Nathan Kleit, Thesis SupervisorJonathan P Mathews, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames R. Tybout, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Optimization Of Energy Storage In A Renewable Plant: The Missing Link In Feasibility Open Access Author: Kleist, Eric Paul Title: Optimization Of Energy Storage In A Renewable Plant: The Missing Link In Feasibility Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: EnergyEnergy StorageStorageBatteriesOptimizationRenewableSolarWind File: Download Kleist_Eric_EnergyStorage.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Anil Kamalakant Kulkarni, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Research Facility Core and Shell- Prefabrication of Exterior Façade, Solar Panel Implementation, and Integration of Mobile Technology in Construction Open Access Author: Maffett, Timothy Franklin Title: Research Facility Core and Shell- Prefabrication of Exterior Façade, Solar Panel Implementation, and Integration of Mobile Technology in Construction Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: TimMaffettHonorsThesisPrefabricateMobile TechnologyTablet ComputersSolar PanelsPhotovoltaicConstructionCostScheduleArchitectural EngineeringArchitectureEnergyInnovation File: Download Honors_Submission_COMPLETE.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Messner, Faculty Reader
4. Designing the Lighting, Electrical, and Energy Generation Systems for a Net-zero Highrise in an Urban Setting Open Access Author: Livorio, Robert John Title: Designing the Lighting, Electrical, and Energy Generation Systems for a Net-zero Highrise in an Urban Setting Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Architectural EngineeringLightingElectricalNet-zeroEnergy File: Download Robert_Livorio_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard George Mistrick, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors AdvisorKevin William Houser, Faculty Reader
5. Reassessing Crude Oil Purchases Based on Shutdown Risk Open Access Author: Bablak, Robert Title: Reassessing Crude Oil Purchases Based on Shutdown Risk Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Crude OilOil TradingRefiningRiskFinanceCorporate FinanceEnergy File: Download Robert_Bablaks_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mort D Webster, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Enhanced Analysis of Solar Utility at Penn State Using Trade Space Visualization Open Access Author: Ivanov, Egor Sergeevich Title: Enhanced Analysis of Solar Utility at Penn State Using Trade Space Visualization Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Penn StateSolarEnergyATSVSAMTrade Space VisualizationEconomics File: Download esi_thesis_170411__1___2_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jeffrey Brownson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. An Exploration of Nitrogen Adsorption and Subsequent Reduction on Nickel-Hydroxide Catalysts Using Density Functional Theory Open Access Author: Egan, Nicholas Joseph Title: An Exploration of Nitrogen Adsorption and Subsequent Reduction on Nickel-Hydroxide Catalysts Using Density Functional Theory Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: DFTCatalysisNickelAmmoniaNitrogenReactionsEnergyElectrochemistry File: Download Nicholas_Egan_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael John Janik, Thesis SupervisorDr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. The Impact of Estrogen vs Energy Status on Bone Balance and Bone Turnover Rate in Young Exercising Women Open Access Author: Oneglia, Andrew Philip Title: The Impact of Estrogen vs Energy Status on Bone Balance and Bone Turnover Rate in Young Exercising Women Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: EnergyEstrogenFemale Athlete TriadBone Health File: Download Oneglia_Andrew_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis Honors AdvisorJinger S. Gottschall, Faculty Reader
9. The Mixed Ion Effect on Ion Aggregation in Ionomers Open Access Author: Kazour, Mark Title: The Mixed Ion Effect on Ion Aggregation in Ionomers Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: BatteriesChemical EngineeringSodiumPolymerBatteryPolymersSaltsLithiumMaterial SciencePolymer ScienceElectrolyteAggregationIonomersPoly(ethylene) OxideElectrochemistryEnergyGreen EnergyEnvironmentally FriendlyEnergy StorageEnvironmentMass TransportElectric CarGlass TransitionIon TransportSolid Polymer ElectrolyteConductivityGreen AlternativeEngineeringPEOSPEAmorphousCrystallineCrystalMechanical StrengthIonsPercolationStabilityMixed SaltSodium PerchlorateSodium Iodide File: Download Mark_Kazour_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janna Kay Maranas, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. The State Initiative: An Exploration of the Variation in Climate Change Policies Passed in the Fifty US States Open Access Author: Kiver, Emily Title: The State Initiative: An Exploration of the Variation in Climate Change Policies Passed in the Fifty US States Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: Political scienceClimate ChangePublic OpinionPublic PolicyRenewable EnergyGreenhouse GasesEnergyPennsylvaniaFloridaTexasEnvironmental Policy File: Download FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric Plutzer, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor