1. Development of a Relational Heat Transfer Model for Additive Manufacturing Open Access Author: Park, Joshua Zane Title: Development of a Relational Heat Transfer Model for Additive Manufacturing Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Additive Manufacturing3D PrintingDirected Energy DepositionCalorimetryThermal ResponseEnergy BalanceEnergy Absorption File: Download JZP-Thesis_revised_APA_references_ESM_submitted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Martukanitz, Thesis SupervisorJudith A Todd Copley, Thesis Honors AdvisorAlbert Eliot Segall, Faculty Reader
2. Evaluation of the Energy Absorbed by Additively Manufactured Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Under Compression Open Access Author: Mc Cartney, Carrie Title: Evaluation of the Energy Absorbed by Additively Manufactured Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Under Compression Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Compliant MechanismsPsuedo Rigid Body ModelEnergy AbsorptionAdditive ManufacturingC3MContact-aided Compliant MechanismsCompression File: Download McCartney_Thesis_FinalSubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary I Frecker, Thesis SupervisorAnne Elizabeth Martin, Thesis Honors Advisor