1. An Analysis of the Behavior of a Composite Steel-concrete Beam Open Access Author: Leaf, David Christopher Title: An Analysis of the Behavior of a Composite Steel-concrete Beam Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: EngineeringCivilStructuralCompositeBeamSAP2000SteelConcreteSlabAISC File: Download David_Leaf_SHC_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey A Laman, Thesis SupervisorPatrick Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Sensitivity Analysis of One-dimensional Descent Profiles for Low Altitude Lunar Landings Open Access Author: Harmon, Jason Scott Title: Sensitivity Analysis of One-dimensional Descent Profiles for Low Altitude Lunar Landings Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceEngineeringLunar landingSensitivity analysis File: Download Thesis-_FINAL_COPY-_FINAL_MICROSOFT-_FINAL_FINAL-_NO_SIGNATURE_PAGE.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Bradley Spencer, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mark David Maughmer, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
3. Geothermal Redesign of the Gaige Building at Penn State Berks Open Access Author: Neal, Matthew Todd Title: Geothermal Redesign of the Gaige Building at Penn State Berks Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: ArchitecturalEngineeringGeothermalAcousticsMechanicalHeatPumpsHVACReverberationTimeTransmissionLoss File: Download Matthew_Neals_Senior_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen James Treado, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Rutgers Academic Building Open Access Author: Koffke, Andrew Steele Title: Rutgers Academic Building Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: RutgersAcademicEnergy ModelAEBuildingConstructionMechanicalHVACeQuestTRACEArchitectureEngineering File: Download Koffke_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donghyun Rim, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Computational Modeling of the Effects of Shear Stress on von Willebrand Factor Proteolysis Open Access Author: Tramontozzi, Michael William Title: Computational Modeling of the Effects of Shear Stress on von Willebrand Factor Proteolysis Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: BiomedicalEngineeringCOMSOLvon Willebrand FactorVentricular Assist DeviceComputationalOptical TrapShear File: Download Michael_Tramontozzi_-_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorDr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis Honors AdvisorPeter J Butler, Faculty ReaderMargaret June Slattery, Faculty Reader
6. Magnetically Levitated Insect Flight Mill For Forward Flight Control Analysis Open Access Author: Delacato, Carl Henry Title: Magnetically Levitated Insect Flight Mill For Forward Flight Control Analysis Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: InsectFlightMechanicalEngineering File: Download Carl_Delacato_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Bo Cheng, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Modal Analysis on Baseball Bats: How Damping Rates Affect Overall "Feel" Open Access Author: Suder, Robert John Title: Modal Analysis on Baseball Bats: How Damping Rates Affect Overall "Feel" Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: BaseballEngineeringSportsAcousticsVibrationsModal AnalysisDamping File: Download Suder-Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Allen Russell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lucas Jay Passmore, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. The Trajectory of Psychological Safety in Engineering Teams: A Longitudinal Exploration in Engineering Design Education Open Access Author: Gong, Zibing Title: The Trajectory of Psychological Safety in Engineering Teams: A Longitudinal Exploration in Engineering Design Education Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: EngineeringEducationEngineering DesignPsychological SafetyTrajactoryReliability File: Download ZibingGong_Thesis_May4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis SupervisorCatherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Design Mastery: Understanding High Achieving Engineering Students’ Design Processes Through Eye Tracking Open Access Author: Miller, Colin Title: Design Mastery: Understanding High Achieving Engineering Students’ Design Processes Through Eye Tracking Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: EngineeringEducationDesign File: Download Miller_Colin_Spring_2020_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Catherine G P Berdanier, Thesis SupervisorJacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. The Mixed Ion Effect on Ion Aggregation in Ionomers Open Access Author: Kazour, Mark Title: The Mixed Ion Effect on Ion Aggregation in Ionomers Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: BatteriesChemical EngineeringSodiumPolymerBatteryPolymersSaltsLithiumMaterial SciencePolymer ScienceElectrolyteAggregationIonomersPoly(ethylene) OxideElectrochemistryEnergyGreen EnergyEnvironmentally FriendlyEnergy StorageEnvironmentMass TransportElectric CarGlass TransitionIon TransportSolid Polymer ElectrolyteConductivityGreen AlternativeEngineeringPEOSPEAmorphousCrystallineCrystalMechanical StrengthIonsPercolationStabilityMixed SaltSodium PerchlorateSodium Iodide File: Download Mark_Kazour_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janna Kay Maranas, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor