1. Unpaid Internships: A Look At The Confusing Standards, Negative Impacts, And Why The U.S. Needs To Utilize The Apprenticeship Model Open Access Author: Rendar, Mia Title: Unpaid Internships: A Look At The Confusing Standards, Negative Impacts, And Why The U.S. Needs To Utilize The Apprenticeship Model Area of Honors: Legal Environment of Business Keywords: Internshipsbusiness lawemployment lawFLSAunpaidapprenticeship File: Download UNPAID_INTERNSHIPS-_A_LOOK_AT_THE_CONFUSING_STANDARDS_NEGATIVE_IMPACTS_AND_WHY_THE_U.S._NEEDS_TO_UTILIZE_THE_APPRENTICESHIP_MODEL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fiona Marie Greaves, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Robert Cahoy, Thesis Honors Advisor