1. Nonlinear ultrasonic measurements for the characterization of fracture toughness in steel alloys Open Access Author: Williams, Colin Title: Nonlinear ultrasonic measurements for the characterization of fracture toughness in steel alloys Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: UltrasoundFracture ToughnessNondestructive EvaluationMaterial Characterization File: Download Williams_Signature_Page.pdfDownload Williams_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Parisa Shokouhi, Thesis SupervisorAndrea P. Arguelles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Evaluating API-5L Steel of Varying Heat Treatments Through Mechanical and Ultrasonic Testing Open Access Author: Martin, Jared Title: Evaluating API-5L Steel of Varying Heat Treatments Through Mechanical and Ultrasonic Testing Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Fracture ToughnessMechanical TestingTensile TestingCharpy ImpactNondestructive EvaluationPipeline SteelMaterial Characterization File: Download Martin_Jared_Evaluating_API-5L_Steel_of_Varying_Heat_Treatments_Through_Mechanical_and_Ultrasonic.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Clifford Jesse Lissenden, III, Thesis SupervisorGary L. Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor