1. Gender Differences in Varieties of Insurance Fraud Open Access Author: Ruggiero, Natalia Teresa Title: Gender Differences in Varieties of Insurance Fraud Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: FraudInsurance FraudGenderWhite Collar CrimeGender Differences File: Download Ruggiero_Natalia_InsuranceFraud.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell J Steffensmeier, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. An Examination of Gender Differences in Health Care Fraud Open Access Author: Cooper, Justin Title: An Examination of Gender Differences in Health Care Fraud Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: Health Care FraudFraudGender DifferencesGenderHealth Care File: Download Justin_Cooper__An_Examination_of_Gender_Differences_in_Health_Care_Fraud.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell J Steffensmeier, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Explaining Gender Differences in Mindfulness Interest: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior Open Access Author: Yamane, Suzuka Title: Explaining Gender Differences in Mindfulness Interest: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Gender DifferencesMindfulnessTheory of Planned BehaviorHolistic Wellness File: Download Yamane_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alicia Ann Grandey, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor