1. Nile River: Lifeline and source of conflict for Northeastern Africa Open Access Author: Pollack, Jason Samuel Title: Nile River: Lifeline and source of conflict for Northeastern Africa Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: NileNile BasinEgyptGeographyAfrican politicscurrent eventsNile disputes File: Download Jason_Pollacks_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert P Brooks, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors AdvisorRoger Michael Downs, Faculty Reader
2. Understanding the Spread of Isis in Iraq Open Access Author: Coughlin, William David Title: Understanding the Spread of Isis in Iraq Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: ISISGeographyGISRegression ModelMiddle EastIraq File: Download Final_Thesis_Coughlin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Roger Michael Downs, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors AdvisorDonna Jean Peuquet, Faculty Reader
3. The Recent Development of Urban Agriculture in Japan: Urban Planning and Alternative Food Movements Open Access Author: Higson, Julia Madelaine Title: The Recent Development of Urban Agriculture in Japan: Urban Planning and Alternative Food Movements Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: JapanUrban AgriculturePlanningLand UseGeographyAlternative Food Movements File: Download Higson_Julia_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karl Stephen Zimmerer, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. THE PREEMINENCE OF THE MILANESE ARMOR INDUSTRY Open Access Author: Tucker, Doran Ambrose Title: THE PREEMINENCE OF THE MILANESE ARMOR INDUSTRY Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: MilanMedieval ArmorArmor ProductionEuropean ArmorArmor IndustryArmorersArmorGeography File: Download SHC-Thesis-Submission-DoranTucker-SP18.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Roger Michael Downs, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors AdvisorDeryck William Holdsworth, Faculty Reader
5. Are stricter gun laws associated with reduced school shooting severity in the U.S.? Open Access Author: Styer, Clarissa Title: Are stricter gun laws associated with reduced school shooting severity in the U.S.? Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: School ShootingGun LawsGeographyZero-Inflated PoissonSchool Shooting Severity File: Download Styer_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Stiles Fowler, Thesis SupervisorBrian H. King, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Understanding the Gendered Experiences of Grief With Respect to Environmental Degradation in Bocas del Toro, Panama Open Access Author: Lister, Alexandra Title: Understanding the Gendered Experiences of Grief With Respect to Environmental Degradation in Bocas del Toro, Panama Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: Feminist Political EcologyJusticeLatin AmericaGeographyGriefEnvironmental degradationEco-grief File: Download Alexandra_lister_thesis_2024.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian H. King, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Stiles Fowler, Thesis Honors Advisor