1. Unconventional Natural Gas Development in Pennsylvania: Impacts and Ethics Open Access Author: Romania, Megan Joann Title: Unconventional Natural Gas Development in Pennsylvania: Impacts and Ethics Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Community, Environment, and Development and Philosophy Keywords: Unconventional Natural Gas DevelopmentPennsylvaniaEthicsUtilitarianismDeontologySocioeconomicHealth File: Download RomaniaFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Vincent M Colapietro, Thesis SupervisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors AdvisorEmily Rolfe Grosholz, Faculty Reader
2. Couple Functioning and Cardiovascular Health: Current Approaches and Findings Open Access Author: Cass, Megan Linda Title: Couple Functioning and Cardiovascular Health: Current Approaches and Findings Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: CoupleFunctioningCardiovascularHealth File: Download Cass_Final_Thesis_Couple_Functioning_and_Cardiovascular_Health.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lynn Margaret Martire, Thesis SupervisorDavid John Vandenbergh, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Comparative Study between the United States and United Kingdom Healthcare Systems Regarding Type II Diabetes Open Access Author: Barbour, Terryanne Title: A Comparative Study between the United States and United Kingdom Healthcare Systems Regarding Type II Diabetes Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Science and Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Type II DiabetesUnited StatesUnited KingdomHealthcareDiabetesType I DiabetesHealthcare SystemsScienceHealth Policy AdministrationHealthPolicyMedicineProvidersPatients File: Download A_COMPARATIVE_STUDY_BETWEEN_THE_UNITED_STATES_AND_UNITED_KINGDOM_HEALTHCARE_SYSTEMS_FOCUSING_ON_TYPE_II_DIABETES_TERRYANNE_BARBOUR_PSU_SHC_THESIS_SPRING_2017.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mark Sceigaj, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ronald Albert Markle, Thesis Honors AdvisorCaprice A Knapp, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. SPECIFIC LOCATIONS WITHIN UNITED STATES NATIONAL PARKS MAY ELICIT SPECIFIC POSITIVE AFFECT Open Access Author: Hanna, Steven Richard Title: SPECIFIC LOCATIONS WITHIN UNITED STATES NATIONAL PARKS MAY ELICIT SPECIFIC POSITIVE AFFECT Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: NatureHealthNational ParksPositive Affect File: Download Steven_Hanna_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Morrison Smyth, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Does United States Health Aid Work? An Examination of Health Programs Funded by the United States and their Relationship to Health Outcomes in Mexico from 1997-2015 Open Access Author: Noll, Margaret Title: Does United States Health Aid Work? An Examination of Health Programs Funded by the United States and their Relationship to Health Outcomes in Mexico from 1997-2015 Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: HealthForeign AidUnited StatesMexicoForeign Policyinternational politicsglobal healthHealth aid File: Download Noll_Margaret_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Gary King, Thesis SupervisorDr. Matthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Linguistic Predictors of Weight-related Experiences in a Sample of Overweight and Obese Individuals Open Access Author: Barton, Jillian Elizabeth Title: Linguistic Predictors of Weight-related Experiences in a Sample of Overweight and Obese Individuals Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: LanguageLinguistic PredictorsWeightBMIExperiencesWeight DiscriminationWeight StigmaStigmaDiscriminationPerceived DiscriminationHealthLinguistic AnalysisWord useNarrativesBodyWeight VigilanceVigilanceObesity Stigma File: Download Barton_Jillian_Linguistic_Predictors_of_Weight-related_Experiences_in_a_Sample_of_Overweight_and_Obese_Individuals.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Morrison Smyth, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Using Virtual Reality Headsets to Study the Effect of Context on Consumer Perception Open Access Author: Ginn, Jacob Title: Using Virtual Reality Headsets to Study the Effect of Context on Consumer Perception Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: Virtual RealityConsumer PreferenceTeaGreen TeaSensory ScienceANCOVAVRLikingHealthHealth ConsciousnessEthnographyGrocery StoreContextContext Effect File: Download Jacob_Ginn_Thesis_Final_Submission_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Helene Hopfer, Thesis SupervisorJohn Hayes, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Assessing the Impacts of Climate-Induced Migration on Women's Health in Bangladesh Open Access Author: Boutselis, Christina Title: Assessing the Impacts of Climate-Induced Migration on Women's Health in Bangladesh Area of Honors: Earth Science and Policy Keywords: Climate changeMigrationBangladeshWomenHealth File: Download Boutselis_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian H. King, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Bralower, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Factors among Hispanic/Latino Immigrant Farmworkers in the United States: A Scoping Review Open Access Author: Ashraf, Naiha Title: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Factors among Hispanic/Latino Immigrant Farmworkers in the United States: A Scoping Review Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: HispanicLatinoImmigrant FarmworkersCardiovascular DiseaseHealth File: Download Thesis_Ashraf_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shedra Amy Snipes, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Advancing Value-Based Healthcare Through Remote Patient Monitoring Open Access Author: Chomos, Kristen Title: Advancing Value-Based Healthcare Through Remote Patient Monitoring Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: Value-based healthcareRemote patient monitoringHealthHealthcareStrategyChronic disease File: Download Chomos_Kristen_Advancing_Value-Based_Healthcare_Through_Remote_Patient_Monitoring.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorAmanda W Hammell, Thesis Honors Advisor