1. National Variations in Concordance Between Perceived and Clinical Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Open Access Author: Wilkie, Sarah Kristine Title: National Variations in Concordance Between Perceived and Clinical Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Health disparitiesdisease perceptionpreventionchronic diseasetype 2 diabetesrisk perception File: Download Wilkie_Sarah_NtlVarConcordancePercievedClinicalRisk.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patricia Y Miranda-Hartsuff, Thesis SupervisorDr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Assessment of Transgender Inclusivity in Pennsylvania Healthcare Facilities Open Access Author: Nair, Jacob Dawson Title: The Assessment of Transgender Inclusivity in Pennsylvania Healthcare Facilities Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: TransgenderLGBTHealthcareHealth disparitieshospitalsPennsylvaniagender identityLGBTQ+ File: Download Nair_Jacob_TransInclusivityPAHealthcare.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Joshua George Rosenberger, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. IMPACT OF RACIAL MICROAGGRESSIONS ON OUTCOMES IN PREGNANCY (MOP) AND INFANT HEALTH STUDY Open Access Author: Wesley, Alena Title: IMPACT OF RACIAL MICROAGGRESSIONS ON OUTCOMES IN PREGNANCY (MOP) AND INFANT HEALTH STUDY Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Health disparitiesmaternal healthinfant healthBIPOCmicroaggressionsdepressionanxietyponderal indexstress File: Download Thesis_Draft_Submission_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of oral health among the Latino population and their effect on daily dental habits Open Access Author: Hernandez, Maria Title: Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of oral health among the Latino population and their effect on daily dental habits Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: LatinoHispanicDentalOral healthHealth disparities File: Download Hernandez_Final_Thesis___.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Raffy Reinaldo Luquis, Thesis SupervisorGina Brelsford, Thesis Honors Advisor