1. Analysis of Inner and Outer Sphere Hydrophobicity Effects in Heterogeneous Catalysis Using Solution Thermodynamics Open Access Author: Foscaldi, Leah Meredith Title: Analysis of Inner and Outer Sphere Hydrophobicity Effects in Heterogeneous Catalysis Using Solution Thermodynamics Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Heterogeneous catalysissulfonic acidhydrophobicity File: Download Foscaldi_Leah_analysisofinnerandoutersphere.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Martin Rioux Jr., Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Performance of Ceria Supported Monometallic and Bimetallic Single-atom Catalysts in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Open Access Author: Pantelis II, Nicholas Title: Performance of Ceria Supported Monometallic and Bimetallic Single-atom Catalysts in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Heterogeneous catalysiscatalysissingle atomsceriapalladiumplatinumnickeladatomsoxidationkineticsbimetallicmonometalliccatalystDRIFTSArrheniusMars van Krevelenreaction orderICPnanoparticlesactivityspecific activity File: Download Thesis_Pantelis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Rioux, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor