1. Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Open Access Author: Graham, Elizabeth Linley Title: Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Area of Honors: Media Studies Keywords: Great DepressionVietnam WarFilmHistorical TraumaComparingTrauma File: Download Elizabeth_Graham_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorMichelle Lyn Rodino Colocino, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Remembrance of the Gwangju Massacre: A Comparative Analysis of There a Petal Silently Falls and Human Acts Open Access Author: Om, Alexi Title: Remembrance of the Gwangju Massacre: A Comparative Analysis of There a Petal Silently Falls and Human Acts Area of Honors: Comparative Literature Keywords: South KoreaGwangju UprisingPolitical ProtestPolitical DemonstrationGhostly ApparitionsHistorical TraumaGendered ViolenceA Petal that Silently FallsHuman Acts File: Download Alexi_Om_--_Final_Thesis_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jooyeon Rhee, Thesis SupervisorLinda Istanbulli, Thesis Honors Advisor