1. Energy Outlook of the United States: Can Shale Oil Reserves & Hydraulic Fracturing Lead to Energy Independence? Open Access Author: Dickey, Kylie Sue Title: Energy Outlook of the United States: Can Shale Oil Reserves & Hydraulic Fracturing Lead to Energy Independence? Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: United States Energy IndependenceHydraulic Fracturing File: Download Dickey_Kylie_USEnergyOutlook.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. MEMBRANE FOULING DURING MICROFILTRATION TREATMENT OF HYDRAULIC FRACUTURING FLOWBACK WATER Open Access Author: Roman-White, Selina Amber Title: MEMBRANE FOULING DURING MICROFILTRATION TREATMENT OF HYDRAULIC FRACUTURING FLOWBACK WATER Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: FrackingFlowbackHydraulic FracturingMicrofiltrationMembrane Fouling File: Download Thesis_RomanWhite.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Radium Removal from Unconventional Gas Wastewater via Sorption to Proppants Open Access Author: Morey, Carson Andrew Title: Radium Removal from Unconventional Gas Wastewater via Sorption to Proppants Area of Honors: Environmental Engineering Keywords: RadiumHydraulic FracturingFrackingProppantSorptionUnconventional GasMagnetiteWater TreatmentPollution PreventionMarcellus ShaleFlowback Water File: Download Morey_Carson_Radium.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William D. Burgos, Thesis SupervisorJohn Michael Regan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. SONGBIRD FEATHERS AS BIOINDICATORS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING RELATED CONTAMINATION Open Access Author: Hazy, Rebecca Marie Title: SONGBIRD FEATHERS AS BIOINDICATORS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING RELATED CONTAMINATION Area of Honors: Environmental Engineering Keywords: High Volume Hydraulic FracturingHydraulic FracturingHVHFSurface WaterContaminationFlowback WaterProduced WaterSongbird FeathersBioindicatorsBioaccumulationTotal Dissolved SaltsTDSNaturally Occurring Radioactive MaterialsNORMMarcellus ShaleFayetteville Shale File: Download Hazy_-_Thesis_Draft_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nathaniel Richard Warner, Thesis SupervisorJohn Michael Regan, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. MECHANICAL DEGRADATION OF POLYACRYLAMIDE IN HIGH-SHEAR CAPILLARY FLOW EXPERIMENTS Open Access Author: Pawlik, Taylor Kristen Title: MECHANICAL DEGRADATION OF POLYACRYLAMIDE IN HIGH-SHEAR CAPILLARY FLOW EXPERIMENTS Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Hydraulic FracturingHigh ShearMechanical DegradationPolyacrylamidePower LawHigh PressureCapillary Flow File: Download Pawlik_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor