1. Shorting ISIL: The Role of Finance in Understanding and Defeating Islamic State Open Access Author: Button, Ian Richard Title: Shorting ISIL: The Role of Finance in Understanding and Defeating Islamic State Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: ISILIslamic Statefinancewarlandpoweral-Qaedaterritorymarginal analysiscost-benefit analysis File: Download Button_Ian_ShortingISIL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Alan Miles, Faculty Reader
2. ISIS and the Media: Social Media as a Function and Deterrent of Terror Open Access Author: Chuff, Mary Gemma Title: ISIS and the Media: Social Media as a Function and Deterrent of Terror Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: ISISIslamic Statesocial mediamediajournalismcounterterrorismcounterterrorism policy File: Download Chuff_FINAL_SUBMISSION_PDF-4-12.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Martin Halstuk, Thesis SupervisorMartin Halstuk, Thesis Honors AdvisorRussell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Faculty Reader