1. Kant and the Need of Reason Open Access Author: Xanthis, Andrew John Title: Kant and the Need of Reason Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Kanttranscendentalmoral lawspacedifferencefinitude File: Download XanthisFinal_R.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Mensch, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Mensch, Thesis SupervisorVincent M Colapietro, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Autonomy and Decision-making in American Healthcare Open Access Author: Pepperday, Cody A Title: Autonomy and Decision-making in American Healthcare Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: philosophyKantmedicineautonomyhealthcareinformed consent File: Download Pepperday_Cody_AutonomyInAmericanHeathcareFinal2.extension.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Emily Rolfe Grosholz, Thesis SupervisorVincent M Colapietro, Thesis Honors Advisor