1. Technology and L2 Interest Levels Open Access Author: Metzger, Stephanie Hannah Title: Technology and L2 Interest Levels Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Spanish and World Languages Education Keywords: LanguageSpanishInterestEngagementEducationElementaryHigh SchoolTechnologyDuolingoL2Second LanguageStudents File: Download Stephanie_Metzger_Spring_2016_Thesis_4-12.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Le Pasterick, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorMatthew Edward Poehner, Faculty Reader
2. The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Open Access Author: Shtivelman, Ilana Title: The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: study abroadlanguage proficiencycommunicative capacityintellectual curiosityhome stayinteractionWTCL2 File: Download SCHREYER_HONORS_THESIS_4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Lipski, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCeleste S Kinginger, Faculty Reader
3. The effectiveness of animacy distinctions for learning case marking in second language German instruction Open Access Author: DiMidio, Jack Andrew Title: The effectiveness of animacy distinctions for learning case marking in second language German instruction Area of Honors: German Keywords: GermanProcessing InstructionAnimacy DistinctionL2First Noun PrincipleCase MarkingProsodyLexical Semantics File: Download DiMidio_Jack_GerLingAnim.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carrie Neal Jackson, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Mark Frederick, Thesis Honors Advisor