1. STRIVING FOR COMPETITIVE BALANCE IN MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: OPTIMIZATION OF REVENUE SHARING Open Access Author: Hillen, Blair Matthew Title: STRIVING FOR COMPETITIVE BALANCE IN MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: OPTIMIZATION OF REVENUE SHARING Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: revenue sharingMajor League Baseballcompetitive balance File: Download Hillen_Blair_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Mc Leod, Thesis SupervisorDavid Shapiro, Thesis SupervisorBee Yan Roberts, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Economic Effects of the Steroid Era in Major League Baseball on Fan Behavior Open Access Author: Onimus, David John Title: The Economic Effects of the Steroid Era in Major League Baseball on Fan Behavior Area of Honors: Management Keywords: ScandalSteroidsSteroids EraBaseballMajor League BaseballEconomics File: Download Onimus.David.Thesis.Final.Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Srikanth Paruchuri, Thesis SupervisorSrikanth Paruchuri, Thesis Honors AdvisorVilmos Fosnocht Misangyi, Faculty Reader
3. Using Conventional and Sabermetric Baseball Statistics for Predicting Major League Baseball Win Percentage Open Access Author: Decesare, Victoria Ellen Title: Using Conventional and Sabermetric Baseball Statistics for Predicting Major League Baseball Win Percentage Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: MLBMajor League Baseballbaseballsabermetricsregression analysisstatisticscorrelationsports statistics File: Download Victoria_DeCesare_Thesis_-_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew John Wiesner, Thesis SupervisorDavid Russell Hunter, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. A comparative examination of illicit doping practices in baseball Open Access Author: Kowalski, Patrick Kane Title: A comparative examination of illicit doping practices in baseball Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: Peformance-Enhancing DrugsSteroidshGHDopingMajor League BaseballBondsRodriguez File: Download Thesis_Final_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. James Anthony Pawelczyk, Thesis SupervisorJessica Lynn Schultz, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Predicting Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Rookie Major League Baseball Pitchers Open Access Author: Rendar, Sean Title: Predicting Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Rookie Major League Baseball Pitchers Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningInjury PredictionUlnar Collateral LigamentMajor League Baseball File: Download Rendar_Sean_Predicting_Ulnar_Collateral_Ligament_Injury_in_Rookie_Major_League_Baseball_Pitchers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fenglong Ma, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Future of Financial Investment in Athletes Open Access Author: Ibarguen, John Title: The Future of Financial Investment in Athletes Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: SportsFinanceSports FinanceSports InvestmentUnderwritingSports BusinessMajor League BaseballSports StatisticsName Image and LikenessNIL File: Download Ibarguen-Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorBrian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Faculty Reader