1. MASCULINITY UNDER THREAT: ITS IMPLICATION FOR THE SUBJUGATION OF NATURE Open Access Author: Kimble, Edward Gorsuch Title: MASCULINITY UNDER THREAT: ITS IMPLICATION FOR THE SUBJUGATION OF NATURE Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: MasculinityMasculinity threatConservation PsychologyCommons Dilemma File: Download Edward_Kimble_Honors_Thesis2_Psychology.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet K. Swim, Thesis SupervisorJanet K. Swim, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Male Participation in Household Labor after Unemployment: Job Loss, Chores, and Changing Masculinity Open Access Author: Joyce, Veronica C Title: Male Participation in Household Labor after Unemployment: Job Loss, Chores, and Changing Masculinity Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: Household LaborGender IdeologiesUndoing GenderDoing GenderClassMenChoresUnemploymentMasculinityPaid LaborChangesPennsylvania File: Download Veronica_Joyce_thesis_Spring_2018.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sarah A Damaske, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. "‘BRASS CAN DO BETTER:' THE ARCHETYPAL JOURNEY OF OLIVER TWIST’S NANCY THROUGH THE LENS OF JUNGIAN REVISIONIST THEORY" Open Access Author: Garg, Julie Ann Title: "‘BRASS CAN DO BETTER:' THE ARCHETYPAL JOURNEY OF OLIVER TWIST’S NANCY THROUGH THE LENS OF JUNGIAN REVISIONIST THEORY" Area of Honors: English Keywords: GenderArchetypesDickensMasculinityFemininityJungAnimaAnimusVictorian CultureVictorian LiteratureAndrogynySyzygy File: Download Julie_Garg_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Glen Alan Mazis, Thesis SupervisorPatricia Lyons Johnson, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Investigating Masculinity and Femininity Effects on Work-Family Conflict Open Access Author: Garland, Abigail Title: Investigating Masculinity and Femininity Effects on Work-Family Conflict Area of Honors: Hospitality Management Keywords: Work-family conflictHospitalityMasculinityFemininityCultural ValuesStressTurnover Intentions File: Download Garland_Abigail_Investigating_Cultural_Values__WFC__Stress.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Phillip Michael Jolly, Thesis SupervisorPhillip Michael Jolly, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichael J Tews, Jr., Faculty Reader
5. Reactions to Violence Against Asexual Men Open Access Author: Jones, Evan Title: Reactions to Violence Against Asexual Men Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ViolenceDehumanizationAsexualityMasculinity File: Download Jones_HonorsThesis_ViolenceAgainstAsexualMen.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorSean Laurent, Thesis Honors Advisor