1. DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN MATHEMATICAL LEARNING AIDED BY EMBODIMENT THROUGH GESTURE Open Access Author: Wilson, Danielle Jill Title: DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN MATHEMATICAL LEARNING AIDED BY EMBODIMENT THROUGH GESTURE Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: developmentalMathEmbodimentGesture File: Download DanielleWilsonFinalSchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Victoria A Kazmerski, Thesis SupervisorVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis SupervisorDr. Dawn Blasko, Faculty ReaderCharisse Nixon, Faculty ReaderVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Visual Learning in the Elementary Classroom Open Access Author: Mino, Katie Lynn Title: Visual Learning in the Elementary Classroom Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: Interactive booksTechnologyScienceMathVisual LearnersDifferentiationiPadsPop-up booksChildren's Literature File: Download Mino_Thesis_Spring_2018.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carla Zembal-Saul, Thesis SupervisorCarla Zembal-Saul, Thesis Honors AdvisorElisa Shaw Hopkins, Faculty Reader