1. Redesign to Reduce Mass: Wallops Arc-Second Pointer (WASP) Open Access Author: Gibbons, Caitlin Elizabeth Title: Redesign to Reduce Mass: Wallops Arc-Second Pointer (WASP) Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Mechanical EngineeringDesignAutodesk InventorAbaqusFEABalloonPlatformTelescopePointing SystemNASAStructure File: Download Redesign_to_Reduce_Mass_Wallops_Arc_Second_Pointer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Design and Analysis of Position Mapped EMAT Sensor Readings For a Nuclear Cask Inspection System Open Access Author: Kontra, Michael Ryan Title: Design and Analysis of Position Mapped EMAT Sensor Readings For a Nuclear Cask Inspection System Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: RobotNuclear FuelFuel CaskNEUPEMAT SensorMechanical Engineering File: Download Kontra_Michael_FuelCaskInspectionSystem.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Faculty Reader
3. STUDYING FORWARD FLIGHT MECHANICS IN BLUE BOTTLE FLIES USING A MAGNETICALLY LEVITATED FLIGHT MILL Open Access Author: Thakur, Neel Kishor Title: STUDYING FORWARD FLIGHT MECHANICS IN BLUE BOTTLE FLIES USING A MAGNETICALLY LEVITATED FLIGHT MILL Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Insect FlightMechanical EngineeringBio-inspired EngineeringFlight Mechanics File: Download Neel_Thakur_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Bo Cheng, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. HEAT TRANSFER AND PNEUMATIC EFFECTS OF PARTICLE-LADEN FLOW THROUGH CURVED PIPES Open Access Author: Bradley, Connor P Title: HEAT TRANSFER AND PNEUMATIC EFFECTS OF PARTICLE-LADEN FLOW THROUGH CURVED PIPES Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Heat TransferParticle-Laden FlowCurvedHeat ExchangerEntrainmentNusseltReynoldsPneumaticsMechanical Engineering File: Download Thesis_FINAL_4.9.18_SUBMITTED_ARL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael P Manahan Jr., Thesis SupervisorDr. Jacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. An Investigation into Critical Heat Flux Correlations within CTF Open Access Author: Bieniawski, Austin James Title: An Investigation into Critical Heat Flux Correlations within CTF Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: CTFCHFPWRMechanical EngineeringNuclear EngineeringW-3Groeneveld File: Download Bieniawski_Thesis_Final_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicholas Robert Brown, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors AdvisorAlexander S Rattner, Faculty Reader
6. TURBULENCE MODULATION UNDER LARGE-PARTICLE LOADING: EFFECTS OF SHAPE AND DENSITY Open Access Author: Cronin, Aidan Stephen Title: TURBULENCE MODULATION UNDER LARGE-PARTICLE LOADING: EFFECTS OF SHAPE AND DENSITY Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: turbulenceMechanical Engineeringdesignfluid mechanics File: Download HonorsThesis_AidanCroninfinalsubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Margaret L. Byron, Thesis SupervisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Categorizing Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery Using Pre-Trained Neural Networks and Artificial Data Open Access Author: Ahmed, Raiid Title: Categorizing Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery Using Pre-Trained Neural Networks and Artificial Data Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Mechanical EngineeringMachine LearningNeural NetworksAcousticsSonar3D PrintingCADMATLABLabVIEWPythonFast.aiMNIST File: Download Ahmed_Raiid_Categorizing_Synthetic_Aperture_Sonar_Imagery_Using_Pre-Trained_Neural_Networks_and_Artificial_Data.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel C Brown, Jr., Thesis SupervisorBo Cheng, Thesis Honors Advisor