1. Disparities in Nursing Homes Across the U.S.: An analysis of the disparities between source of payment and services received in U.S. nursing homes Open Access Author: Outrakis, John Bernard Title: Disparities in Nursing Homes Across the U.S.: An analysis of the disparities between source of payment and services received in U.S. nursing homes Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Restorative ServicesPain ManagementIncontinence CareBehavioral ManagementDementiaPrivate InsuranceMedicaidMedicareNursing Homeshealthcarehealth carepayment sourcessource of payment File: Download Thesis.Final.SPRING.2010.3.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dennis G Shea, Thesis SupervisorDennis G Shea, Thesis SupervisorDr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Analysis of Medicare and Medicaid on healthcare utilization and overall patient health status Open Access Author: Kreider, Bryan M Title: Analysis of Medicare and Medicaid on healthcare utilization and overall patient health status Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: healthcaredual eligiblesMedicareMedicaid File: Download Kreider_Bryan_DualEligibleAnalysis_4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeah Jung, Thesis SupervisorDr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Insight into the Financial Alignment Initiative: Capitated Model Demonstrations Open Access Author: George, Jonathon Thomas Title: Insight into the Financial Alignment Initiative: Capitated Model Demonstrations Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Finance and Health Policy and Administration Keywords: HealthcareHealth PolicyHealthcare PolicyFinancial Alignment InitiativeDual EligibleMedicare-MedicaidMedicareMedicaidCapitated File: Download Jonathon_George_May_2017_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mark Sceigaj, Thesis SupervisorCaprice A Knapp, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Nudging to Optimality: Prescriptions for Treating America's Health Care Problem Open Access Author: Wells, Jeremy Nicholas Title: Nudging to Optimality: Prescriptions for Treating America's Health Care Problem Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Health CareUnited StatesIncentivesNudgesPublic PolicyHealth InsuranceDoctorsPatientsMedicareMedicaid File: Download Wells_Jeremy_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Alan Miles, Faculty Reader
5. Public Finance Implications Of State Medicaid Policy: How Section 1115 Waivers Are Shaping Medicaid Reform Open Access Author: Conner, Casey Christopher Title: Public Finance Implications Of State Medicaid Policy: How Section 1115 Waivers Are Shaping Medicaid Reform Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: MedicaidPublic FinanceSection 1115 waiverhealthcare File: Download Conner_Casey_Section1115Waivers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Alan Miles, Faculty Reader
6. Healthcare and Housing: Analyzing the Affordable Care Act's Impact on Eviction Rates Open Access Author: Hanna, Andrew J Title: Healthcare and Housing: Analyzing the Affordable Care Act's Impact on Eviction Rates Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Health CareMedicaidAffordable HousingHousingDifference in DifferenceFixed Effects File: Download Hanna_Andrew_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul L E Grieco, Thesis SupervisorRussell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Representation of the Economically Disadvantaged: An Example Through State Medicaid Policy Open Access Author: Gulla, James Title: Representation of the Economically Disadvantaged: An Example Through State Medicaid Policy Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: RepresentationMedicaidState Politics File: Download Honors_Thesis_Official_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marie Hojnacki, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Insuring Identification: The Effects of Public Healthcare Eligibility on Childhood Disability Diagnosis Open Access Author: Bodovski, David Title: Insuring Identification: The Effects of Public Healthcare Eligibility on Childhood Disability Diagnosis Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: DisabilitiesDisability DiagnosisHealth PolicyEducation PolicyMedicaidCHIP File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark John Roberts, Thesis SupervisorRussell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor