1. An Investigation of the Norman Conquest and Parallels in the Earlier Anglo-saxon Invasion of England Open Access Author: Johnson, Jay Title: An Investigation of the Norman Conquest and Parallels in the Earlier Anglo-saxon Invasion of England Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: HistoryNormanConquestAnglo-SaxonInvasionEnglandMedievalHistoryJayJohnson File: Download Jay_Johnson_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. I am a Roman Citizen: The Shrinking of Roman Identity during the Macedonian Dynasty of the Byzantine Empire, c. 867 - 1025 Open Access Author: Brandt, Trevor Carl Title: I am a Roman Citizen: The Shrinking of Roman Identity during the Macedonian Dynasty of the Byzantine Empire, c. 867 - 1025 Area of Honors: History Keywords: ByzantineEmpireLanguageHistoryReligionOrthodoxyChristianityGreekGreeceIdentityMedievalMiddle Ages File: Download Trevor_Brandt_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anthony Gregg Roeber, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Secular, Religious, and Courtly Development of Medieval Chivalry Open Access Author: Cunningham, Kyle Glenn Title: The Secular, Religious, and Courtly Development of Medieval Chivalry Area of Honors: History Keywords: ChivalryKnighthoodHistoryReligionCourtlinessRomanceMedievalMiddle AgesFranceEnglandFeudal Relations File: Download Cunningham_Kyle_developmentofmedievalchivalry.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Mappaemundi and the Medieval Worldview Open Access Author: Lim, Arielle Title: Mappaemundi and the Medieval Worldview Area of Honors: History Keywords: HistoryMapsCartographyChristianityEuropeMedieval File: Download Lim_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Ritual and Violence in Viking Society Open Access Author: Middlemore, Ryan Title: Ritual and Violence in Viking Society Area of Honors: Archaeological Science Keywords: VikingsMedievalRitualViolenceMysticism File: Download Thesis_Final_Draft-Ryan_Middlemore.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth Gale Hirth, Thesis SupervisorDouglas Bird, Thesis Honors AdvisorBenjamin Thomas Hudson, Thesis Supervisor
6. Flipping the Coin: New Perspectives on Imitation Coinage in the Viking Age Open Access Author: Meyer, Sarah Title: Flipping the Coin: New Perspectives on Imitation Coinage in the Viking Age Area of Honors: History Keywords: ImitationCoinageVikingMonetary HistoryBaltic RegionBritish IslesScandinaviaMedievalNumismatics File: Download Meyer_Sarah_Flipping_the_Coin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin Thomas Hudson, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Nuance and Translation: Christine de Pisan’s Cent Ballades Open Access Author: Tirone, Johanna Title: Nuance and Translation: Christine de Pisan’s Cent Ballades Area of Honors: English Keywords: Christine de Pisanformes fixesballadetranslationCent BalladesFrenchMedieval File: Download Thesis_Final_Submission_-_Johanna_Tirone.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Roy Edwards, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor