1. Freya Stark: A Study of Travel, Gender, and Empire in the Middle East from 1932-1950 Open Access Author: Lotito, Lisa Title: Freya Stark: A Study of Travel, Gender, and Empire in the Middle East from 1932-1950 Area of Honors: History Keywords: travelgenderempireMiddle EastimperialismFreya Stark File: Download Lotito_Lisa_FreyaStark.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janina M Safran, Thesis SupervisorJanina M Safran, Thesis SupervisorCatherine Wanner, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Mountain Aquifer, A Cause for Peace or Cooperation?: A Water Issue in Israel and Palestine Open Access Author: Connor, Emily Starin Title: The Mountain Aquifer, A Cause for Peace or Cooperation?: A Water Issue in Israel and Palestine Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: watertransboundary aquiferconflictMiddle EastIsraelPalestine File: Download SHC_Thesis_Connor.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Anthony Kelmelis, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The U.s. Foreign Terrorist Organization List as a Counterterrorism Mechanism Open Access Author: Shupp, Laura Beth Title: The U.s. Foreign Terrorist Organization List as a Counterterrorism Mechanism Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: TerrorismCounterterrorismMiddle Eastattacksideologysanctionsoperations File: Download Shupp_Laura_TheUSForeignTerrorist.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Kent Forster, Thesis SupervisorJames A Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. The Unlikely Weapon: Unmasking the Cause of State-sponsored Terrorism Open Access Author: Dooling, Douglas William Title: The Unlikely Weapon: Unmasking the Cause of State-sponsored Terrorism Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: terrorismsponsorshippolitical violenceIranIraqSaddam HusseinState DepartmentMiddle EastAfricaauthoritarian File: Download Dooling_Douglas_StateSponsoredTerror.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James A Piazza, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Understanding the Spread of Isis in Iraq Open Access Author: Coughlin, William David Title: Understanding the Spread of Isis in Iraq Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: ISISGeographyGISRegression ModelMiddle EastIraq File: Download Final_Thesis_Coughlin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Roger Michael Downs, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors AdvisorDonna Jean Peuquet, Faculty Reader
6. LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Open Access Author: Briselli, Caroline Claire Title: LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Area of Honors: History Keywords: antiquitiesMesopotamiaMiddle EasthistoryLayardMuseumAssyriaOttomanBritainrepatriationarchaeologyprivilegeprovenanceOrientalism File: Download Thesis_Final_041117.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Christopher Lawrence, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. State-Making and Bellicose Theory in the Republic of Turkey Open Access Author: Richardson, Lewis Title: State-Making and Bellicose Theory in the Republic of Turkey Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: TurkeyPolitical ScienceState-MakingStatemakingState MakingTillyBellicoseBellicose Theorybellicist theoryState DevelopmentHistoryMiddle EastRepublic of TurkeyDemocratic backslidingdemocracyautocracyErdoganOttoman File: Download Lewis_Richardson_Final_Thesis_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric J Fleisch, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. A Study of The Turkish Republic’s Claims to Regional Power, with a Brief Look at the Late Ottoman Period, 1870-2024 Open Access Author: Sweeney, Trey Title: A Study of The Turkish Republic’s Claims to Regional Power, with a Brief Look at the Late Ottoman Period, 1870-2024 Area of Honors: History Keywords: TurkeyEuropeMiddle EastKurdsArmeniaNationalismOttoman EmpireWorld War IWorld War IICold War File: Download Trey_Sweeney_Thesis_Complete.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sophie C De Schaepdrijver, Thesis SupervisorJacob F. Lee, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. From Ur to Masada: Antiquities Policy and State Building in Palestine/Israel and Iraq, 1919-1950 Open Access Author: Welp, Julia Title: From Ur to Masada: Antiquities Policy and State Building in Palestine/Israel and Iraq, 1919-1950 Area of Honors: History Keywords: antiquitiesantiquities policyarchaeologyPalestineIsraelIraqMENAMiddle Eaststate buildinglegitimacyBritish mandateBritainBritish Empirecolonialism File: Download Welp_Julia_From_Ur_to_Masada_Antiquities_Policy_and_State_Building_in_Palestine_Israel_and_Iraq_1919-1950.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Robson, Thesis SupervisorJacob F. Lee, Thesis Honors Advisor