1. Predicting the Flory-huggins χ Parameter for Polymers with Stiffness Mismatch from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Open Access Author: Kozuch, Daniel J Title: Predicting the Flory-huggins χ Parameter for Polymers with Stiffness Mismatch from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: PolymersBlendsSimulationMolecular DynamicsFlory-Huggins File: Download Daniel_Kozuch_Schreyer_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF THE ORIENTED ATTACHMENT MECHANISM OF SILVER NANOPLATES IN PRESCENCE OF POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE Open Access Author: Narukatpichai, Jenwarin Title: A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF THE ORIENTED ATTACHMENT MECHANISM OF SILVER NANOPLATES IN PRESCENCE OF POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: silver nanoplateag nanoplatenanoplate synthesisoriented attachmentPolyvinylpyrrolidonePVPMolecular dynamics simulationsMD simulationsMolecular Dynamics File: Download JenwarinNarukatpichaiThesis04122017.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kristen Fichthorn, Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Kinesin Open Access Author: Cook, Zeke Title: Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Kinesin Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: KinesinProteinMotorMechanobiologyMechanochemistryProcessiveFluorescenceGold NanoparticleTrackingTotal Internal ReflectionMicroscopyInterferometric ScatteringBrownianDynamicsBrownian DynamicsMolecular ModelingMolecular Dynamics File: Download Cook_Annan_BrownianDynamicsSimulationofKinesinMotorProteinDynamics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. William O Hancock, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Justin Lee Brown, Faculty Reader
4. A study of solvation energy using molecular dynamics and density functional theory Open Access Author: Cai, Yusheng Title: A study of solvation energy using molecular dynamics and density functional theory Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Molecular DynamicsDensity Functional TheorySolvation energyThermodynamic integrationGromacsprotonwater File: Download Senior_Thesis_4_8_2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. An Investigation Into the Application of Coarse-Grain Modelling Methods to Solvents in the Bulk Phase Open Access Author: Zele, Joseph Title: An Investigation Into the Application of Coarse-Grain Modelling Methods to Solvents in the Bulk Phase Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Molecular DynamicsCoarse-Grain ModelsAtomistic Force FieldGROMACSCoarse-Grain Potential File: Download Thesis_Draft_jaz22.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William George Noid, Thesis SupervisorWayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor