1. Health Communications and Malaria: The Applicability of EPPM in Predicting Bed Net Use Open Access Author: Mingey, Caitlin Title: Health Communications and Malaria: The Applicability of EPPM in Predicting Bed Net Use Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: malariabed netsExtended Parallel Process ModelMozambique File: Download CaitlinMingeyThesisFinalVersion.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rachel Annette Smith, Thesis SupervisorRachel Annette Smith, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Challenging Boundaries in Season of Migration to the North and Under the Frangipani Open Access Author: Hunter, Monica Elizabeth Title: Challenging Boundaries in Season of Migration to the North and Under the Frangipani Area of Honors: Comparative Literature Keywords: post-colonialismOrientSudanMozambiqueindependence File: Download Monica_Hunter_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hoda El Shakry, Thesis SupervisorSydney Sue Aboul Hosn, Thesis Honors Advisor