1. Art Restart: Art as a Mechanism of Revitalization in Urban Neighborhoods Open Access Author: Halm, Emily Christine Title: Art Restart: Art as a Mechanism of Revitalization in Urban Neighborhoods Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: RevitalizationArtRestorationExperimental ArchitectureArchitectural DesignMuseumGalleryMobile Architecture File: Download Halm_Emily_ArtRestart.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Museums as Public Memory Texts: A Comparison of Holocaust Museum Narratives and their Implications Open Access Author: Boscia, Nina Theresa Title: Museums as Public Memory Texts: A Comparison of Holocaust Museum Narratives and their Implications Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: HolocaustMuseumUnited States Holocaust Memorial MuseumMemoryRhetoric File: Download Nina_Boscia-_Final_Thesis_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Howard Browne, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Open Access Author: Briselli, Caroline Claire Title: LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Area of Honors: History Keywords: antiquitiesMesopotamiaMiddle EasthistoryLayardMuseumAssyriaOttomanBritainrepatriationarchaeologyprivilegeprovenanceOrientalism File: Download Thesis_Final_041117.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Christopher Lawrence, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Breaking the Barrier Open Access Author: Rabold, Adelynn Jeanne Title: Breaking the Barrier Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitectureMuseumGalleryDesignArtist Residence File: Download Rabold_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Loukas N Kalisperis, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Defining and Exploring the Influence of History Museum Exhibit Interactivity on Young Adult Visitors' Aesthetic Development Open Access Author: Karafilis, Nicholas Title: Defining and Exploring the Influence of History Museum Exhibit Interactivity on Young Adult Visitors' Aesthetic Development Area of Honors: Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management Keywords: MuseumHistory museumAesthetic developmentEmerging adultsExhibitsInteractivityInterpretation File: Download Karafilis_Schreyer_Honors_College_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorDr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Brendan Derrick Taff, Faculty Reader