1. Neural Network Methods for Solving Strassen's Algorithm Open Access Author: Chicoine, Kaley M Title: Neural Network Methods for Solving Strassen's Algorithm Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Neural NetworksStrassen's AlgorithmMatrix Multiplication File: Download ChicoineHonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. John Phillip Sustersic Jr., Thesis SupervisorDr. Jesse Louis Barlow, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Amplifier Design Using Neural Networks Open Access Author: Cruz Hidalgo, Daphne Carolina Title: Amplifier Design Using Neural Networks Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering (Behrend) Keywords: Neural NetworksBJTTransistor AmplifiersCommon Collector Circuit File: Download Cruz_Hidalgo_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Lee Hemminger, Thesis SupervisorThomas Lee Hemminger, Thesis Honors AdvisorMohammad Rasouli, Faculty Reader
3. SOCCER ANALYTICS: AN EXAMINATION OF CURRENT APPROACHES FOR GAME OUTCOME PREDICTION AND THE POTENTIAL OF DEEP LEARNING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Gomez Lorente, Juan Title: SOCCER ANALYTICS: AN EXAMINATION OF CURRENT APPROACHES FOR GAME OUTCOME PREDICTION AND THE POTENTIAL OF DEEP LEARNING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksArtificial Neural NetworksPoisson RegressionSoccerSports AnalyticsBettingPredictive ModellingMoneyball AnalyticsSoftMax ClassifierRegressioneffects encodingfeed-forward networksbackpropagationgradient descentresilient backpropagationNewton's MethodTaylor Series expansionManhattan RuleBroyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithmBFGSQuasi-Newton Methods File: Download Juan_GomezLorente.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hui Yang, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. A LATERAL LINE INSPIRED APPROACH TO UNDERWATER SENSING WITH A PRESSURE SENSOR ARRAY Open Access Author: Andes, Ryan Christopher Title: A LATERAL LINE INSPIRED APPROACH TO UNDERWATER SENSING WITH A PRESSURE SENSOR ARRAY Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Supervised LearningNeural Networkssensor arraybioinspired File: Download RyanAndes_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Bo Cheng, Thesis SupervisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Open Access Author: Adams, Ethan Title: Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: AIArtificial IntelligenceMLMachine LearningTensorFlowKerasPythonAI SecurityEnsemble LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksAdversarialAdversaries File: Download Adams_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mahdi Nasereddin, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Machine Learning For Electromagnetic Metamaterial Design Open Access Author: O'Connor, Philip Title: Machine Learning For Electromagnetic Metamaterial Design Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Machine LearningMetamaterial AntennasComputational ElectromagneticsNeural Networks File: Download OConnor_Schreyer_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Henry Werner, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. UNDERSTANDING DOUBLE DESCENT BEHAVIOR IN DEEP LEARNING NEURAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Dutta, Shubhangam Title: UNDERSTANDING DOUBLE DESCENT BEHAVIOR IN DEEP LEARNING NEURAL NETWORKS Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: Deep LearningNeural NetworksDouble DescentMachine Learning File: Download SHC_thesis_Double_Descent.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Thesis SupervisorJohn Morgan Sampson, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Improving Trust in Deep Learning by Augmented Deep K-Nearest Neighbors Open Access Author: Tickner, Sarah Title: Improving Trust in Deep Learning by Augmented Deep K-Nearest Neighbors Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksTrustDKNNKNN File: Download Tickner_Thesis_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bruce Einfalt, Thesis SupervisorGary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Categorizing Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery Using Pre-Trained Neural Networks and Artificial Data Open Access Author: Ahmed, Raiid Title: Categorizing Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery Using Pre-Trained Neural Networks and Artificial Data Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Mechanical EngineeringMachine LearningNeural NetworksAcousticsSonar3D PrintingCADMATLABLabVIEWPythonFast.aiMNIST File: Download Ahmed_Raiid_Categorizing_Synthetic_Aperture_Sonar_Imagery_Using_Pre-Trained_Neural_Networks_and_Artificial_Data.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel C Brown, Jr., Thesis SupervisorBo Cheng, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Defect Identification and Classification of Cellular Glass Open Access Author: Burlovic, Benjamin Title: Defect Identification and Classification of Cellular Glass Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Non Destructive TestingNeural NetworksImage ClassificationMachine Learning File: Download Burlovic_Benjamin_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ryan L Harne, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor