1. The Presence of Dualism in Maori <i>Moko</i> Open Access Author: Bornemann, Erin Elisabeth Title: The Presence of Dualism in Maori <i>Moko</i> Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: tattootattooingdualismMaoriNew ZealandPolynesian Culture File: Download FinalThesiseeb5078.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Joel Beckerman, Thesis SupervisorStephen Joel Beckerman, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors AdvisorNina G Jablonski, Faculty Reader
2. Is New Zealand's High Contribution of Renewable Resources in Electricity Generation Transferable to the United States? Open Access Author: Maisel, Katharine Ann Title: Is New Zealand's High Contribution of Renewable Resources in Electricity Generation Transferable to the United States? Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: New ZealandElectricity File: Download Thesis_Final_Draft-1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jonathan P Mathews, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Nathan Kleit, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Framing and Rhetorical Themes in 1970s-1980s Mediated Abortion Discourse in New Zealand Open Access Author: Cairnie, Elizabeth Marie Title: Framing and Rhetorical Themes in 1970s-1980s Mediated Abortion Discourse in New Zealand Area of Honors: Global Studies (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: abortionprolifeprochoicerhetoricframingagenda settingNew Zealand File: Download ElizabethCairnie_Thesis2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cheryl L Nicholas, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor