1. Understanding Islam in the West through Critical Media Content and Discourse Analyses Open Access Author: Shafqat, Bakhtawar Title: Understanding Islam in the West through Critical Media Content and Discourse Analyses Area of Honors: Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Abington) Keywords: media discoursemedia contentIslamMuslimsOrientalism File: Download Shafqat_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carla Rae Chamberlin-Quinlisk, Thesis SupervisorKaren Weekes, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Open Access Author: Briselli, Caroline Claire Title: LAYARD’S TREASURES: THE IMPACT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHAEOLOGY ON MODERN QUESTIONS OF ANTIQUITIES OWNERSHIP Area of Honors: History Keywords: antiquitiesMesopotamiaMiddle EasthistoryLayardMuseumAssyriaOttomanBritainrepatriationarchaeologyprivilegeprovenanceOrientalism File: Download Thesis_Final_041117.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Christopher Lawrence, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kathryn Elizabeth Salzer, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Orientalism in Western Musical Theatre Open Access Author: Moon, Jimin Title: Orientalism in Western Musical Theatre Area of Honors: Musical Theatre Keywords: TheatreOrientalismMusical Theatre File: Download Jimin_Moon_-_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Raymond Sage, Thesis SupervisorRaymond Sage, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichele F Dunleavy, Faculty Reader
4. The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Project of Discursive Invention and Exclusion Open Access Author: Suliman, Ladin Title: The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Project of Discursive Invention and Exclusion Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Judeo-Christian traditionChristianityJudaismIslamOrientalismSemiticsemiteantisemitism File: Download The_Judeo-Christian_Question.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brady Bowman, Thesis SupervisorBrady Bowman, Thesis Honors AdvisorNicolas J De Warren, Thesis Supervisor