1. Investing Around Earnings Announcements: An Options-based Trading Strategy Open Access Author: Ebeling, Brandon M Title: Investing Around Earnings Announcements: An Options-based Trading Strategy Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: financeearnings announcementoptionsstraddlestranglePEADPost earnings announcement drift File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorTimothy T Simin, Faculty Reader
2. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OWNERSHIP’S IMPACT ON POST EARNINGS ANNOUNCEMENT DRIFT Open Access Author: Cronauer, Ryan Joseph Title: ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OWNERSHIP’S IMPACT ON POST EARNINGS ANNOUNCEMENT DRIFT Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: PEADActivePassiveOwnershipPostearningsannouncementdriftefficientmarkethypothesisEMH File: Download Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeremiah Ross Green, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor