1. Studies of Track-like Neutrino Event Identification in the PINGU Detector Open Access Author: Groh, John Collin Title: Studies of Track-like Neutrino Event Identification in the PINGU Detector Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: PINGUIceCubeDeepCoreneutrinoCherenkov radiationneutrino mass hierarchyneutrino oscillations File: Download Studies_of_Track-like_Neutrino_Event_Identification_in_the_PINGU_Detector.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tyce De Young, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Characterization of Low-dt Non-poisson Noise in the Icecube Neutrino Detector Open Access Author: Stanisha, Nick A Title: Characterization of Low-dt Non-poisson Noise in the Icecube Neutrino Detector Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: IceCubeNeutrinoNoisePINGUDeepCore File: Download Stanisha_Nicholas_IceCubeThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tyce De Young, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Studying the Use of Michel Electrons to Calibrate PINGU Open Access Author: Lutton, Dylan Dale Title: Studying the Use of Michel Electrons to Calibrate PINGU Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: PhysicsIceCubePINGUNeutrinoMichel electron File: Download Lutton_Dylan_studyingtheuseofmichelelectronstocalibratepingu.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Cowen, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Development of High Voltage Electronics for the PINGU Expansion to the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Open Access Author: Quinnan, Melissa Kathryn Title: Development of High Voltage Electronics for the PINGU Expansion to the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: IceCubeneutrinosphysicselectronicsfpgaPINGU File: Download Quinnan_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Cowen, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor