1. Forecasting Inflation Open Access Author: Utrera, Francisco Javier Title: Forecasting Inflation Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: InflationCPI-UPredictingPredictionForecastsMonetaryFiscalPolicy File: Download Predicting_Inflation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. George David Haushalter, Faculty Reader
2. Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Open Access Author: Frederick, Allison Leigh Title: Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: gun controlfirearmhomicideUnited StatesUnited KingdomAustraliaCanadaInterrupted Time SeriesRegulationPolicy File: Download Frederick_Allison_federalguncontrol.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Lynn Lowery, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Emergence of Sina Weibo and Its relationship to Policy-Making in the People’s Republic of China Open Access Author: He, Richard X Title: The Emergence of Sina Weibo and Its relationship to Policy-Making in the People’s Republic of China Area of Honors: Chinese Keywords: ChinaSocial MediaPolicy File: Download The_Emergence_of_Sina_Weibo_and_Its_relationship_to_Policy-Making_in_the_Peoples_Republic_of_China-FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Flynt L Leverett, Thesis SupervisorShuang Shen, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. A Comparative Study between the United States and United Kingdom Healthcare Systems Regarding Type II Diabetes Open Access Author: Barbour, Terryanne Title: A Comparative Study between the United States and United Kingdom Healthcare Systems Regarding Type II Diabetes Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Science and Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Type II DiabetesUnited StatesUnited KingdomHealthcareDiabetesType I DiabetesHealthcare SystemsScienceHealth Policy AdministrationHealthPolicyMedicineProvidersPatients File: Download A_COMPARATIVE_STUDY_BETWEEN_THE_UNITED_STATES_AND_UNITED_KINGDOM_HEALTHCARE_SYSTEMS_FOCUSING_ON_TYPE_II_DIABETES_TERRYANNE_BARBOUR_PSU_SHC_THESIS_SPRING_2017.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mark Sceigaj, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ronald Albert Markle, Thesis Honors AdvisorCaprice A Knapp, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE MANDATE IN REDUCING THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL COSTS OF CAR ACCIDENTS Open Access Author: Cahn, Parker Title: EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE MANDATE IN REDUCING THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL COSTS OF CAR ACCIDENTS Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Autonomous VehiclesAccidentsCar accidentsAutomobile AccidentsCostsEconomic CostsSocietal CostsForcastVehicle Miles TraveledSelf-drivingAccident RatesFutureSafetyTraffic fatalitiesPolicy File: Download Thesis_Complete_Draft_4_8_18.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Edward Tierney, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. State Capacity, Civil Society, and Policy Response to COVID-19 Open Access Author: Camp, Caroline Title: State Capacity, Civil Society, and Policy Response to COVID-19 Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: State CapacityCivil SocietyCOVID-19Policy File: Download Camp_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anthony M Bertelli, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Subjugated and Submerged: An Exploration of the Relationship between Redlining and Flood Risk Open Access Author: Humphrey, Jason Title: Subjugated and Submerged: An Exploration of the Relationship between Redlining and Flood Risk Area of Honors: Geosciences Keywords: RedliningFlood RiskLiterature ReviewHOLCPolicyArcMapFlooding File: Download pdf_4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Antonia Hadjimichael, Thesis SupervisorMaureen Feineman, Thesis Honors Advisor