1. NEUROMUSCULAR, DYNAMIC POSTURAL CONTROL AND PAIN REPSONSES TO A THERAPEUTIC PATELLOFEMORAL TAPING TECHNIQUE Open Access Author: Baumgarten, Jeremy Eric Title: NEUROMUSCULAR, DYNAMIC POSTURAL CONTROL AND PAIN REPSONSES TO A THERAPEUTIC PATELLOFEMORAL TAPING TECHNIQUE Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: PatellofemoraltapePostural ControlPain File: Download Baumgarten_et_al_2010.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Nicole M Mc Brier, Thesis SupervisorDr. Nicole M Mc Brier, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors AdvisorGiampietro Luciano Vairo, Faculty Reader
2. Comparative Study of Competitive Ankle Supports and their Effects on Blanace and Functional Performance. Open Access Author: Capuzzi, Mark Joseph Title: Comparative Study of Competitive Ankle Supports and their Effects on Blanace and Functional Performance. Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: Ankle SupportsPostural ControlDynamic BalanceStatic BalanceDonJoyProTacoSEBTQuiet Single-Leg Balance Test File: Download 1-SHC_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sayers John Miller III, Thesis SupervisorGiampietro Luciano Vairo, Thesis SupervisorSteriani Elavsky, Thesis Honors Advisor