1. ASSESSMENT OF THE SERUM PREGNANCY-SPECIFIC PROTEIN B TEST TO DETERMINE PREGNANCY IN FREE-RANGING ELK (Cervus elaphus) Open Access Author: Silva Seixas, Julia Title: ASSESSMENT OF THE SERUM PREGNANCY-SPECIFIC PROTEIN B TEST TO DETERMINE PREGNANCY IN FREE-RANGING ELK (Cervus elaphus) Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: ElkPregnancyPregnancy-specific protein BPSPBELISAPost-mortemUterine examinationAccuracy File: Download JuliaSilvaSeixas_Undergraduate_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jenny Suzanne Fisher, Thesis SupervisorBenoit A Dayrat, Thesis Honors AdvisorJustin D Brown, Faculty Reader
2. Women's Health Care in the American Penal System: Pregnant Women Compared to the General Female Inmate Population Open Access Author: Sellitto, Jessica Title: Women's Health Care in the American Penal System: Pregnant Women Compared to the General Female Inmate Population Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Women's HealthAmerican Penal SystemInmatesPrenatal CareHealth CareSociodemographic CharacteristicsIncarcerated WomenPregnancyPrison Health Care File: Download Sellitto_2020_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marianne Messersmith Hillemeier, Thesis SupervisorSelena E Ortiz, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Cortisol’s Effect on Iron Transport Proteins and Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Placental Trophoblast Cells Open Access Author: Anderlind, Sophie Title: Cortisol’s Effect on Iron Transport Proteins and Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Placental Trophoblast Cells Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Trophoblast CellsCortisolIron Transport ProteinsExtracellular VesiclesTFR-1FPN-1Iron TraffickingPregnancy File: Download Schreyer_Final_Thesis___Sophie_Anderlind.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nikki Crowley, Thesis SupervisorStephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Evaluating the Relationship between Maternal HIV and Vitamin B12 Status at Delivery in Uganda Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Ostrowski, Casey Title: Evaluating the Relationship between Maternal HIV and Vitamin B12 Status at Delivery in Uganda Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: PregnancyNutritionHIVVitamin B12B12Nutritional StatusHuman Immunodeficiency VirusB12 Deficiency File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Alison D Gernand, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaria Rita Castro, Faculty Reader