1. Attitudes Towards Buyers and Sellers in Prostitution and Gun Transactions Open Access Author: Sray, Benjamin Title: Attitudes Towards Buyers and Sellers in Prostitution and Gun Transactions Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: ProstitutionIllegal FirearmsPunishmentBlame File: Download Attitudes_Towards_Buyers_and_Sellers_in_Prostitution_and_Gun_Transactions__.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard B Felson, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Prostitution and Rational Choice: Understanding the Relationship between Risk, Reward, and Involvement in Prostitution Open Access Author: Runkle, Sarah Title: Prostitution and Rational Choice: Understanding the Relationship between Risk, Reward, and Involvement in Prostitution Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: ProstitutionRational Choice TheoryRational ChoiceSex workCriminologyDecision-MakingAgency File: Download Prostitution_and_Rational_Choice_-_Sarah_Runkle.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Holly Nguyen, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor