11. Analysis on the Influence of Empathy in Single-Player Video Games Open Access Author: Farabaugh, Scott Allen Title: Analysis on the Influence of Empathy in Single-Player Video Games Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyMedia StudiesVideo GamesEmpathyEmotion File: Download Analysis_on_the_Influence_of_Empathy_in_Single_Player_Video_Games-Scott_Farabaugh_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. The Role of Coping Style and Cognitive Reserve in Depression and Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis Open Access Author: Hochberg, Aaron Title: The Role of Coping Style and Cognitive Reserve in Depression and Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Multiple SclerosisMSDepressionCopingNeuropsychologyPsychologyClinicalCognitive ReserveCognitive Functioning File: Download Hochberg_Thesis_FINAL_4.30.20.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. Raising the Media Generation: How Web Based Media influences Adolescent Development Open Access Author: Ward, Ann Title: Raising the Media Generation: How Web Based Media influences Adolescent Development Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: MediaPsychologySocial MediaAdolescenceInternetDevelopmentMental Health File: Download Ward_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patrick Lee Plaisance, Thesis SupervisorPatrick Lee Plaisance, Thesis Honors AdvisorCindy Simmons, Faculty Reader
14. The Role of Discrepancies in Parent and Youth Reporting of Parental Monitoring on Anxiety Symptoms in Early Adolescence Open Access Author: Burke, Margaret Mary Title: The Role of Discrepancies in Parent and Youth Reporting of Parental Monitoring on Anxiety Symptoms in Early Adolescence Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Psychologydevelopmentparentingmonitoringadolescencediscrepancies File: Download Burke_Thesis_FINAL2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kristin Ann Buss, Thesis SupervisorMelissa Dawn Hunter, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. How the Quality of Peer Experiences Moderate BI Adolescent's Physiological Reactivity to Stress Open Access Author: Leone, Mark Title: How the Quality of Peer Experiences Moderate BI Adolescent's Physiological Reactivity to Stress Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: RSATemperamentBehavioral InhibitionPsychologyPhysiologyAdolescent File: Download Leone_Thesis_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kristin Ann Buss, Thesis SupervisorMichael Axtell, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Koraly Perez-Edgar, Faculty Reader
16. COVID-19 Life Events Moderate the Relation Between Harsh and Neglectful Parenting and Child Behavior Problems Open Access Author: Lieberman, Reghan Title: COVID-19 Life Events Moderate the Relation Between Harsh and Neglectful Parenting and Child Behavior Problems Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: COVID-19Harsh ParentingChild Behavior ProblemsChildPsychology File: Download Lieberman_Reghan_FInalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erika Sell Lunkenheimer, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Open Access Author: Hubbard, Glenn Title: Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceVisualizationDebtStudent DebtHuman-Computer InteractionHCIDSCSPythonExcelPsychologyInterpretivistGrounded TheoryUndergraduateStudyHuman-CenteredFinanceAmortizationChartGraphLine GraphBar GraphStacked Bar GraphPlotlyMortgageDebt CrisisDesign File: Download Hubbard_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Syed M. Billah, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
18. A Bidirectional Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Impairment in a Sample of Adults Aged 50 and Older Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Ransom, Abigail Title: A Bidirectional Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Impairment in a Sample of Adults Aged 50 and Older Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyDepressionCognitive Impairment File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
19. The Overlap of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Study Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Bevilacqua, Chloe Title: The Overlap of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Study Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: AutismASDBPDDiagnosisPsychologyClinical PsychologyMeta-analysis File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
20. Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Open Access Author: Costanzo, Gregory Title: Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyLinguisticsCognitionAccentsLanguage Acquisition File: Download ThesisFinal_GregoryCostanzo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Van Hell, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor