1. Purification and Characterization of Human Leucine-Rich Pentatricopeptide Repeat Containing Protein (LRPPRC) Expressed in Escherichia Coli Open Access Author: Gilmore, Andrew Charles Title: Purification and Characterization of Human Leucine-Rich Pentatricopeptide Repeat Containing Protein (LRPPRC) Expressed in Escherichia Coli Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: LRPPRCProteinPurificationFrench Canadian Leigh SyndromeEscherichia ColiMitochondria File: Download Gilmore_Purification_and_Characterizaiton_of_LRPPRC_in_E._Coli.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Craig Eugene Cameron, Thesis SupervisorDavid Scott Gilmour, Thesis Honors AdvisorScott Brian Selleck, Faculty Reader
2. CUSTOM ANGSTROM-SCALE SEPARATIONS WITH HIGHLY PERMEABLE BIOMIMETIC MEMBRANES Open Access Author: Prabhakar, Jeevan Title: CUSTOM ANGSTROM-SCALE SEPARATIONS WITH HIGHLY PERMEABLE BIOMIMETIC MEMBRANES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: OmpFMembranesBiomimeticDesalinationSeparationsPoreDesignerMutantFiltrationGeneticAquaporinTEMAngstromE. coliPurificationProteoliposome File: Download Thesis_Jeevan_Prabhakar.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor