1. Awakening Dormant Readers Open Access Author: Weaver, Kelly Title: Awakening Dormant Readers Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: EducationReadingSecondary EducationEnglish File: Download FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anne Whitney, Thesis SupervisorAnne Whitney, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichelle Renee Knotts, Faculty Reader
2. Student Invitations for Engagement in an Online Reading Camp: A Pre-Service Teacher’s Reflection Open Access Author: Gilley, Rhiannon Title: Student Invitations for Engagement in an Online Reading Camp: A Pre-Service Teacher’s Reflection Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: EducationElementaryReadingReading CampPhonicsPhonemic awarenessEngagementSummer Reading CampEngageAuthentic EngagementProject Based LearningElementary SchoolProblematizingAuthorityChoice and VoiceAccountabilityResourcesLearning Communities File: Download SHC_Thesis-_Student_Invitations_for_Engagement_in_an_Online_Reading_Camp-_A_Pre-Service_Teacher_s_Reflection.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karen Eppley, Thesis SupervisorAmy C Crosson, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Teaching Children to Enjoy Reading: Building A Strong Foundation in Children to Develop Lifelong Readers Open Access Author: Sterner, Courtney Title: Teaching Children to Enjoy Reading: Building A Strong Foundation in Children to Develop Lifelong Readers Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: EducationReadingAttitudesIndependent ReadingRead AloudElementaryTeachingLiteratureLifelong Readers File: Download Sterner_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrea Vujan Mccloskey, Thesis SupervisorAndrea Vujan Mccloskey, Thesis Honors AdvisorJason J Griffith, Faculty Reader