1. Take a Look in the Rearview Mirror: Determinants of Nostalgic Consumer Responses to Automotive Retro Brands & the Impact on Perceived Utilities Open Access Author: Saganowich, Julia Title: Take a Look in the Rearview Mirror: Determinants of Nostalgic Consumer Responses to Automotive Retro Brands & the Impact on Perceived Utilities Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: RetroRetro BrandingRetro BrandsMarketingBrand ManagementAutomotiveAutomotive IndustryNostalgiaCarsPerceived UtilitiesBrand RelaunchBrand RevitalizationBrand RevivalNostalgia Marketing File: Download JuliaSaganowich_HonorsMarketingThesis_Spring2024_TakeaLookintheRearViewMirror.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Johanna H Slot, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor