1. Effect of Molecular Weight on the Glass Transition Temperature of Conjugated Polymers Open Access Author: Caggiano, Nicholas Joseph Title: Effect of Molecular Weight on the Glass Transition Temperature of Conjugated Polymers Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Conjugated polymersGlass transitionOPVPFTBTPCDTBTRheologyGPCPolymerSuzuki File: Download CaggianoThesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis SupervisorDr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Michael John Janik, Faculty Reader
2. Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly- (Ethylene Oxide) Open Access Author: Mack, Audrey Title: Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly- (Ethylene Oxide) Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: RheologyCrystallizationRheometryFlow-Induced CrystallizationPoly (Ethylene Oxide)PEO File: Download Audrey_Mack.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph H Colby, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Rheology of Native Cellulose in Ionic Liquids Open Access Author: Jain, Preet K Title: Rheology of Native Cellulose in Ionic Liquids Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: RheologyCelluloseShear-thinningIonic LiquidsPolymer SolutionsGreen solventsSolvent qualityAssociating polymersChain dynamicsGlass-transition temperaturesTime-temperature Superposition File: Download Jain_Preet_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph H Colby, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Zydney, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Rheology of Natural Polysaccharides in Ionic Liquids Open Access Author: Wattana, Ravisara Title: Rheology of Natural Polysaccharides in Ionic Liquids Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: RheologyNatural PolysaccharidesCelluloseChitosanXanthanIonic liquidsUrea Effect File: Download HonorThesis_RAVISARA_WATTANA.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph H Colby, Thesis SupervisorDr. Robert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Phase Behavior and Rheology of Aqueous Solutions of Partially-Hydrolyzed Poly(vinyl acetate) in the Presence of Sodium-Based Salts Open Access Author: Slye, Melisa Title: Phase Behavior and Rheology of Aqueous Solutions of Partially-Hydrolyzed Poly(vinyl acetate) in the Presence of Sodium-Based Salts Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Poly(vinyl alcohol)Poly(vinyl acetate)RheologyPhase BoundariesHofmeister SeriesViscosity File: Download Thesis_4.2.2024_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph H Colby, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor