1. The Valuation of Sustainability by a New Generation of Investors Open Access Author: Minnick, Cecelia Title: The Valuation of Sustainability by a New Generation of Investors Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: Sustainable ReportingSustainable InvestingSASBGRIAccounting File: Download MinnickFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Samuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors AdvisorSuzanne Wright, Faculty Reader
2. Examining Stock Market Reaction to Water Management Information Open Access Author: Martinelli, Michael Title: Examining Stock Market Reaction to Water Management Information Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: water managementESGcumulative abnormal returnsstock market reactionevent studynewsmediaRepRiskSustainalyticsSASB File: Download Thesis_Final_Martinelli.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brent Schmidt, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor