1. The Penn State Protein Ladders: An Inexpensive Source of Protein Molecular Weight Markers Appropriate For Both Coomassie Staining and Western Blotting Open Access Author: Santilli, Ryan Thomas Title: The Penn State Protein Ladders: An Inexpensive Source of Protein Molecular Weight Markers Appropriate For Both Coomassie Staining and Western Blotting Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Recombinant Protein Molecular Weight MarkersSDS-PAGEWestern blot File: Download Thesis__Final_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorBernhard Luscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Designing Optimized Protein Molecular Weight Markers Applicable to both Coomassie Staining and Western Blotting Open Access Author: Shibata, Yoshitaka Joey Title: Designing Optimized Protein Molecular Weight Markers Applicable to both Coomassie Staining and Western Blotting Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: protein molecular weight markersSDS-PAGEWestern blottingIgG antibody bindingpolycistronic expressionprotein expressionprotein purification File: Download Shibata_Thesis_DesigningOptimizedProteinMWMarkers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorWendy Hanna-Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Investigation into the HutD Protein within the Histidine Utilization (hut) Pathway in Pseudomonas putida Open Access Author: Guzman, Nicholas Title: Investigation into the HutD Protein within the Histidine Utilization (hut) Pathway in Pseudomonas putida Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: HistidineHistidine Utilization Pathway (Hut)HutCHutDrepressorpromoteroperatorbeta-galactosidasepET vectorsProtein OverexpressionSDS-PAGENickel-IMACMolecular Cloning File: Download Thesis_Final_Version_-_Guzman.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph C. Reese, Thesis SupervisorAllen T Phillips, Thesis Honors Advisor