1. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Open Access Author: Okkelberg, Elyssa Iris Title: Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: archeological sciencearchaeometryhistorical objectsglassSEMcopperEDScompositional mappingfritceramicsnanotechnologyEgyptMaterials Science Engineeringart historyfaienceEgyptian faiencepenn stateelyssa okkelberg File: Download Okkelberg_Elyssa_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Elizabeth J Walters, Thesis Honors AdvisorDigby D Macdonald, Faculty ReaderPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Material Characterization of Additive Manufactured Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Open Access Author: Haluza, Rudy Title: Material Characterization of Additive Manufactured Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: CarbonFiber3DPrintingAdditiveWhiskerMaterialTensileElasticModulusFiniteElementFEASEMTGACoxHalpinMicroscopy File: Download Haluza_Rudy_materialcharacterization.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Charles E. Bakis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Charles E. Bakis, Thesis Honors AdvisorAlicyn Marie Rhoades, Faculty Reader
3. Comparative Dental Morphology and Histology Between Squalicorax Species Open Access Author: Olevnik, Lauren Title: Comparative Dental Morphology and Histology Between Squalicorax Species Area of Honors: Biology (Behrend) Keywords: SqualicoraxetchingSEMserrationsTuronian File: Download SHC.LO.final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Todd Donald Cook, Thesis SupervisorMichael A Campbell, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Potential of filamentous fungi for the biodegradation of low-density polyethylene Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Peritz, Kellien Title: Potential of filamentous fungi for the biodegradation of low-density polyethylene Area of Honors: Biorenewable Systems Keywords: Filamentous fungiPolyethyleneSEMFTIRBiodegradation File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Josephine Wee, Thesis SupervisorStephen C Chmely, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Open Access Author: Hoagland, Sophia Title: Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polymermaterialthermoplastic polyurethanesiliconeanisotropiccompositeelectrospinningelectrospunrubberelastomerSEMDMAPellethaneSylgardtensilefiber File: Download Hoagland_Sophia_Thesis_Anisotropic_Electrospun_Microcomposites.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patrick Mather, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor