1. Teaching Science to Special Needs Students Open Access Author: Rees, Amanda Mae Title: Teaching Science to Special Needs Students Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: educationSTEAMSpecial needsscience File: Download Rees_Amanda_TeachingSci.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jonte Taylor, Thesis SupervisorDr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. COLLABORATIVE DIVERGENCE: Analyzing the Integration of STEM and Visual Arts Curricula Through Divergent Thinking Open Access Author: Picard, Claire Title: COLLABORATIVE DIVERGENCE: Analyzing the Integration of STEM and Visual Arts Curricula Through Divergent Thinking Area of Honors: Art Education Keywords: Art EducationArtEducationSTEAMSTEMIntegrative Classroom File: Download PicardThesis_CollaborativeDivergence.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aaron Knochel, Thesis SupervisorAaron Knochel, Thesis Honors AdvisorChristopher M Schulte, Faculty Reader