1. What Drives Students to STEM Careers? The Role of Skill-Relevant Interests, Values, and Self-Concepts Open Access Author: Angle, Melanie Nora Title: What Drives Students to STEM Careers? The Role of Skill-Relevant Interests, Values, and Self-Concepts Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: spatial skillself-efficacycareer interestgender differencegender stereotypeSTEM File: Download Angle_Melanie_FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lynn Susan Liben, Thesis SupervisorLynn Susan Liben, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Ray, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. COLLABORATIVE DIVERGENCE: Analyzing the Integration of STEM and Visual Arts Curricula Through Divergent Thinking Open Access Author: Picard, Claire Title: COLLABORATIVE DIVERGENCE: Analyzing the Integration of STEM and Visual Arts Curricula Through Divergent Thinking Area of Honors: Art Education Keywords: Art EducationArtEducationSTEAMSTEMIntegrative Classroom File: Download PicardThesis_CollaborativeDivergence.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aaron Knochel, Thesis SupervisorAaron Knochel, Thesis Honors AdvisorChristopher M Schulte, Faculty Reader
3. SETTING GUIDELINES FOR CREATING STEM PRODUCTS THAT APPEAL TO YOUNG GIRLS Open Access Author: Gardner, Elizabeth Title: SETTING GUIDELINES FOR CREATING STEM PRODUCTS THAT APPEAL TO YOUNG GIRLS Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: designSTEMengineeringwomenchild anthropometrydesign guidelinesaccommodation File: Download Gardner_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Matthew B Parkinson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephanie Stockar, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Sexism in STEM: Intragroup Dynamics Within Mixed-Sex Engineering Teams Open Access Author: Mastrangelo, Allison Title: Sexism in STEM: Intragroup Dynamics Within Mixed-Sex Engineering Teams Area of Honors: Labor and Employment Relations Keywords: sexismSTEMteamworksexism in STEMsexism in STEM teamsdiversitydiscrimination File: Download Allison_Mastrangelo_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kameron Carter, Thesis SupervisorJean Marie Phillips, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Perceptions of STEM by Secondary Agricultural Education Teachers in Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Guise, Nicole R Title: Perceptions of STEM by Secondary Agricultural Education Teachers in Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: STEMself-efficacyprofessional developmentAgricultural Education File: Download Guise_Nicole_STEMPerceptions.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Douglas Foster, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Douglas Foster, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Ewing, Faculty Reader
6. The Study of Women’s Perceptions of Performance and Experience in All-Female and Mixed-Gender Engineering Teams Open Access Author: Kirban, Devyn Title: The Study of Women’s Perceptions of Performance and Experience in All-Female and Mixed-Gender Engineering Teams Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: engineeringteamscohesionpsychological safetyemotionsteamperformanceexperiencewomenall-femaleperceptionsSTEMdiversitygender File: Download Devyn_Kirban_s_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathryn Jablokow, Thesis SupervisorGary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Proposing a Metric to Measure Student Learning Outcomes of STEM Service-Learning Courses Open Access Author: Karpa, Kieri Title: Proposing a Metric to Measure Student Learning Outcomes of STEM Service-Learning Courses Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Civil Engineering and Community, Environment and Development Keywords: service-learningmetricSTEMHESEengineeringdevelopmenthumanitarian engineeringdevelopment engineering File: Download Thesis_Format.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Gershenson, Thesis SupervisorJay Regan, Thesis Honors AdvisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Faculty Reader
8. Understanding Women and Asian American Disparities in Computer Science Professions Open Access Author: Muhunthan, Aranya Title: Understanding Women and Asian American Disparities in Computer Science Professions Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: aapigender gapSTEMcomputer science File: Download FINAL_THESIS--FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sarah A Damaske, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor