1. Analyzing "Detreimental Psychological Harm": Social Science Evidence and Segregation in the Supreme Court Post-1950 Open Access Author: McKenna, Sarah Ann Title: Analyzing "Detreimental Psychological Harm": Social Science Evidence and Segregation in the Supreme Court Post-1950 Area of Honors: History Keywords: US Supreme CourtPsychologyConstitutional HistoryPsychological HarmSegregationAmicus BriefsNAACPSocial Science EvidenceTwentieth CenturyTwenty-First CenturyVinson CourtWarren CourtRoberts Court File: Download McKenna_Sarah_AnalyzingPsychHarm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Cathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Modern School Segregation: Local Factors Contributing to Racially Segregated School Districts Open Access Author: Speitel, Noah Title: Modern School Segregation: Local Factors Contributing to Racially Segregated School Districts Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: RaceSegregationSchool SegregationEssex CountyMecklenburg County File: Download Speitel_Thesis_Final_1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ray Block, Thesis SupervisorGretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor