1. THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA: A METAMORPHIC PLAY Open Access Author: Meehan, Celia Jean Title: THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA: A METAMORPHIC PLAY Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: OvidShakespeareMetamorphosesThe Two Gentlemen of Veronametamorphosis File: Download TheTwoGentlemenOfVerona.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Wheeler, Thesis SupervisorStephen Wheeler, Thesis SupervisorMary Lou Zimmerman Munn, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Paul B Harvey Jr, Faculty Reader
2. Pretty Ophelia: The Destructive Nature of Objectification through Music and Prose Open Access Author: Mueller, Leah Wright Title: Pretty Ophelia: The Destructive Nature of Objectification through Music and Prose Area of Honors: Music Keywords: OpheliaShakespeareMusic File: Download Mueller_Thesis_Final.pdfDownload Mueller_Thesis_Video.MOV Thesis Supervisors: Edward Barse Christopher, Thesis SupervisorJoanne Rutkowski, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Divided Men: Shakespeare's Portrayal of Honor in His Roman Plays Open Access Author: Hesney, Joshua David Title: Divided Men: Shakespeare's Portrayal of Honor in His Roman Plays Area of Honors: English Keywords: ShakespeareHonorCoriolanusAntonyCleopatraRomeRoman File: Download Hesney_Joshua_Men_Divided.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Warner Moore Jr., Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors AdvisorPaul Haspel, Faculty Reader
4. Tracing the Path of Female Agency in Renaissance Revenge Tragedies Open Access Author: Viau, Juliana Eleanor Title: Tracing the Path of Female Agency in Renaissance Revenge Tragedies Area of Honors: English Keywords: ShakespeareWebsterfemale agencypowerrevenge tragedyrevenge plot File: Download viau_juliana_tracingthepathoffemaleagency_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Lunger Knoppers, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. The letter of the law v. the spirit of the law: a study of the binary's representation in literature Open Access Author: Beltz, Laura Ann Title: The letter of the law v. the spirit of the law: a study of the binary's representation in literature Area of Honors: English Keywords: lawliteraturespirit of the lawletter of the lawShakespeareMelville File: Download beltz_laura_lettervspirit.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rosa A Eberly, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. “will” Power: Engaging Reluctant 21st Century Readers with Shakespeare Open Access Author: Dodd, Carolyn Christine Title: “will” Power: Engaging Reluctant 21st Century Readers with Shakespeare Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: secondary educationengagementShakespearereluctant readersperformanceintertextuality File: Download CDODDTHESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jamie Myers, Thesis SupervisorJamie Myers, Thesis Honors AdvisorAngiline Louisa Whitney, Faculty Reader
7. Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Open Access Author: Smith, Natalie Joyce Title: Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Area of Honors: Theatre Keywords: Shakespearefeminismwomentheatre File: Download Examining_Shakespeares_Heroines_In_A_Modern_Context.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan B Russell, Thesis SupervisorSusan B Russell, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Annette Kay Mcgregor, Faculty Reader
8. “Our Remedies Oft In Ourselves Do Lie” : Herbalism and Medicinal Floriography As Feminine Power In The Spanish Tragedy, Hamlet, and The Winter's Tale Open Access Author: Larkin, Martha Ann Title: “Our Remedies Oft In Ourselves Do Lie” : Herbalism and Medicinal Floriography As Feminine Power In The Spanish Tragedy, Hamlet, and The Winter's Tale Area of Honors: English (Behrend) Keywords: ShakespeareKydGerardCulpeperherbalismfloriographyOpheliaPerditaHamletThe Winter's TaleThe Spanish Tragedyherbalsixteenth centuryearly modern Englishearly modern medicine File: Download MLarkinSchreyersThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sara Luttfring, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Gerard Champagne, Thesis Honors AdvisorMary Constance Connerty, Faculty Reader
9. The Complexity of the Tyrant: Rethinking Tyranny in Recent Film Adaptations of Macbeth Open Access Author: Bibb, Jordan Title: The Complexity of the Tyrant: Rethinking Tyranny in Recent Film Adaptations of Macbeth Area of Honors: English Keywords: tyrannyShakespearemental healthviolencemass ideologyadapting plays into filmpsychology and behaviorfear and oppressioncontemporary issuescharacter vs circumstances File: Download Bibb_Thesis_Formatted_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Claire Mary Louise Bourne, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Gervais Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Signing and Scribbling on Shakespeare: Handwritten Marks by Early Modern Readers Open Access Author: D'Adderio, Isabella Title: Signing and Scribbling on Shakespeare: Handwritten Marks by Early Modern Readers Area of Honors: English Keywords: MarginaliaEarly Modern BooksShakespeareMarginsPlaybookTextPlayMarks File: Download D_Adderio_Isabella_Signing_and_Scribbling_on_Shakespeare_Handwritten_Marks_by_Early_Modern_Readers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Claire Mary Louise Bourne, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor
11. "This Wide Gap of Time": Adapting "The Winter's Tale" Post-COVID Open Access Author: Grover, Arushi Title: "This Wide Gap of Time": Adapting "The Winter's Tale" Post-COVID Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in English and Theatre Studies Keywords: ShakespeareadaptationdramaturgyCOVID-19The Winter's Taletheatre File: Download Final_Thesis_pls_submit_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Garrett Sullivan, Jr., Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors AdvisorElizabeth G Bonjean, Thesis Honors Advisor