1. Inequality, Education, and Race: A Comparative Study of Urban Education in Post-civil Rights New York City and Post-apartheid Cape Town, South Africa Open Access Author: Larkin, Kayla Nora Title: Inequality, Education, and Race: A Comparative Study of Urban Education in Post-civil Rights New York City and Post-apartheid Cape Town, South Africa Area of Honors: African and African American Studies Keywords: EducationEducational inequalityRaceInequalityUrban EducationNew York CitySouth AfricaCape Town File: Download Larkin_Kayla_inequalityeducrace.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Clemente K. Abrokwaa, Thesis SupervisorKevin J.A. Thomas, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Economic Agency and Linguistic Repertoire: A South Africa Case Study in Student Perceptions of Multilingualism in the Global Economy Open Access Author: Canagarajah, Ruth Lavannya Title: Economic Agency and Linguistic Repertoire: A South Africa Case Study in Student Perceptions of Multilingualism in the Global Economy Area of Honors: Applied Linguistics Keywords: Economic agencylanguage policymultilingualismSouth Africaglobal economyinterdisciplinary File: Download RLC_LangEconThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sinfree Bullock Makoni, Thesis SupervisorCeleste S Kinginger, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Antimicrobial Resistance in the Developing Nations of BRICS Open Access Author: Jeong, Stephanie Da-yeon Title: Antimicrobial Resistance in the Developing Nations of BRICS Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: antimicrobial resistanceBrazilRussiaIndiaChinaSouth AfricaTBMDR-TBMRSAPRSP File: Download Thesis_Jeong_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. James Harold Marden, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis Honors AdvisorKenneth Charles Keiler, Faculty Reader
4. South Africa's Induction into the "BRIC" Economic Group Open Access Author: Zakaria, Suzanne Title: South Africa's Induction into the "BRIC" Economic Group Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: BRICSSouth AfricaMineralsDevelopment Cooperation File: Download Suzanne_Zakaria_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Subhanan Mukherjee, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Business Analysis For Outsourcing To South African Economy Open Access Author: Testa, Christie Lauren Title: Business Analysis For Outsourcing To South African Economy Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: supply chainSouth Africaoutsourcelabortransportationinfrastructurebusiness File: Download Christie_Testa_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Preserving the Geographical Imaginary of the Poor Township: The Role of Intermediaries in Township Tourism Open Access Author: Burka, Marina Lauren Title: Preserving the Geographical Imaginary of the Poor Township: The Role of Intermediaries in Township Tourism Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: township tourismslum tourismgeographical imaginarySouth Africatownship tourtour operatorauthenticity File: Download Thesisfinal_4-15-15.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Hastings King, Thesis SupervisorCarter A Hunt, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Untapped Potential:Opportunities for collaboration with traditional health practitioners in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in South Africa Open Access Author: Busalacchi, Katherine Irene Title: Untapped Potential:Opportunities for collaboration with traditional health practitioners in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in South Africa Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: South AfricahealthHIVAIDStraditional medicineCape Town File: Download Busalacchi_Katherine_SouthAfricaSangoma.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Augustus Matthews, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis of the Patient Flow in Victoria Hospital Open Access Author: Gagnon, Kelly Patricia Title: Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis of the Patient Flow in Victoria Hospital Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Industrial EngineeringHealth CareSouth AfricaProcess ImprovementPatient Flow File: Download Gagnon_ThesisFinalFormat.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Harriet Black Nembhard, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor